Safe stool softener?

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Re: Safe stool softener?

Postby MarkM » 04 Jan 2019, 23:23

Did you tried PEG
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Re: Safe stool softener?

Postby missy moo » 04 Jan 2019, 23:29

Don't think so what's peg?
missy moo
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Re: Safe stool softener?

Postby MarkM » 04 Jan 2019, 23:31

Miralax / Movicol brand names , osmotic laxative
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Re: Safe stool softener?

Postby missy moo » 04 Jan 2019, 23:46

Yep used it for 2 years everyday fissure still came an went every two weeks around about
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Re: Safe stool softener?

Postby Abu » 05 Jan 2019, 05:02

Hey Missy,

tell me your diet first and i will be able to help. What are the foods that you normally eat in a week and which are foods you never touch?
Blood is very bad, it means your fissure is wide open.
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Re: Safe stool softener?

Postby missy moo » 05 Jan 2019, 16:25

Ok I eat
Breakfast is a tin of mixed fruit in fruit juice
This is new for me and I plan on making it permanent it's a good way for me to get fruit in for the day

For lunch I'll eat salad or a wholemeal sandwich with salad on it

Dinner is vegetables and a small portion of meat

Then there's days I completely fall off the rails and eat toast for breakfast a pie for lunch and like chocolate or pizza KFC or Mc Donald's I just need to have little cheats with a good meal say a small piece of chocolate after my salad lunch not going overkill and eatting pizza for dinner followed by heaps of chocolate its self control and being aware all the time of my food choices and chew and swallow my food slowly and properly I rush to eat because I'm a busy mum plus anxiety doesn't help I've been told by a few doctors that getting on an anti anxiety medication could heal my fissure an that the fissure could be staying around because anxiety interrupts you digestion and can make stools hard and anal muscle tight but I think that medication would also be counterproductive because it's bad for you gut bacteria and antianxiety and depression type medication cause constipation it's a side effect on most if not all medications I've read about over all I think I need to plan meals better an eat just before I get hungry and (eat to nourish) not to full up or get a feel good emotion and also (chew to nourish and start the digestive process in my mouth) not chew to swallow I literally chew my food like 3x per bite then swallow I rush every bite every meal I need to slow down.
missy moo
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Re: Safe stool softener?

Postby Abu » 06 Jan 2019, 00:29

Well then, it looks like you already know what to do. As long as you don;t make this your number 1 priority in life, you will never heal. Sorry for being so blunt.
I can tell you that once you elininate completely all unhealthy foods, let's say for 6 months without any single cheat meal, not day, you will never feel the need to taste them again.
When you are ready for this, let me know how it goes.
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Re: Safe stool softener?

Postby missy moo » 06 Jan 2019, 00:42

Yea I am fixated on food fissures and water I try not to I do do other things during the day where I don't think about it for hours but its something I need to be conscious about and remember about like taking magnesium pills drinking lots of water consciously being aware of what I'm eating it's hard not to think about it you know but I definitely want to start eating healthy and eliminate all unhealthy foods as a lifestyle change for my overall health
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