Scaring myself to death--need encouragement

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Scaring myself to death--need encouragement

Postby ScaredyCat1822 » 06 Sep 2017, 22:02

I'm a 45-year-old male who has had issues with cracking and pain and bleeding off and on for probably 20+ years. A year ago, I had a thrombosed hemmy, and got a lovely clot removed from it that I thought was going to make everything right. Not so much. By December I was having bleeding and burning pain after a movement. I was referred to a surgeon, and he felt around and said I had two fissures-12 o'clock and 6 o'clock. He prescribed Nitro-Bid, and had me come back a month later. After a month, things were noticeably better, and he cleared me and said every time things act up, just resume the nitro and the baths. Ever since then, if I try to increase my fiber or reduce my Miralax, I re-tear. So, I've just been going along merrily living my life taking Miralax everyday.

About three weeks ago, I started having bad pain around my anus, into my scrotum. I figured it was just a muscle strain or nerve damage from years of problems down there. Monday, I put a glove on, felt in the anus, and there is a spot just inside that hurts to the touch like you wouldn't believe. It's definitely the source of all my radiating pain.

It really startled me, and I have managed to convince myself that I have colon cancer of some sort. My grandfather had colon cancer, and a friend in my hometown is currently dying of the disease. I already suffer from panic attacks, so anything with my health gets me worked up pretty quickly.

I went in to see my GP today, and he said that it's clearly the fissure(s) acting up again. He didn't look, but he had felt around in there digitally back in December, and said there was nothing but a fissure at work there. He prescribed Rectiv, and said I should be feeling better in a few weeks.

Is this something that's ever going to get better? Has anyone else ever been scared to death they've got some sort of cancer? I've even put long-term plans on hold, not sure if I'll be around. The burning is there night and day right now, and I worry what I'm going to do if it never heals. It hasn't bled since December, so that's good.

Thanks for hearing me out. I just needed to share, and hopefully you guys can provide some kind words to make me feel less crazy.

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Re: Scaring myself to death--need encouragement

Postby Mypoorbutt » 07 Sep 2017, 04:09

Hi I don't think your crazy it normal to think like that after years of dealing with anal issues.
I would say it sounds like fissures but when you said you could feel a spot did you mean an area of pain or an actual spot like a pimple if so then maybe go back and get it checked as it could be an abscess
It really is highly unlikely that it's colon cancer or rectal you have any symptoms.
If it really is worrying you could you request a colonoscopy to put your mind at ease.
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Re: Scaring myself to death--need encouragement

Postby ScaredyCat1822 » 09 Sep 2017, 17:15

Thanks for the response. The doctor did offer to do a colonoscopy now if I thought it would make me feel better, but said he didn't think I needed it yet.

I've started using the Rectiv, and it appears to be working. The spot (not a pimple, but like a sore) is getting better, and doesn't hurt to the touch. I just now have this general overall burning in the rectum half of the time. Does that ever go away?

Like I said, I've been battling issues down there for awhile, and it feels like it retears every month or so. I guess it's just something I'll learn to live with the rest of my life? Is that how this works?

Thanks again!
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Re: Scaring myself to death--need encouragement

Postby Mypoorbutt » 10 Sep 2017, 06:42

Ah if the rectiv is helping then it's def a fissure. I have had issues in that area since I was 14 due to IBS and crohns. The fissure was the worst thing I have ever experienced especially the spasms...never knew pain like that existed
I had Botox and that got rid of the burning stinging pain I also had LIS and that has healed my fissure MF got rid of the burning and stinging unless I have a crohns flare.
See how you get on with the cream and then if that doesn't heal you then there are always other options
Good luck
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