Search found 232 matches: Fistula

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Fissure and Fistula Surgery Help!

... from anal Fissure from 3 years on and off. But this time i was suffering from 6 months and now done LIS on 4-1-2016 Doc said i had developed anal fistula caused by fissure infection so he did fistulotomy also So plz support me here. Thanks
by adeelraj
07 Jan 2016, 07:40
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: Fissure and Fistula Surgery Help!
Replies: 3
Views: 1060

Repair of anal keyhole deformity after fistula surgery?

I had fistula surgery on the 31st of July 2015 and I seem to have been left with a gutter/groove in my anal canal that leaks after bowel movements. Has anyone had any kind of repair for a keyhole defect?? My backstory: It was ...
by May
29 Dec 2015, 11:17
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Repair of anal keyhole deformity after fistula surgery?
Replies: 1
Views: 3186

Gay - Anal sex after fistula surgery

Hey guys, It's been almost 6 weeks since my surgery and I am feeling great! Looks like 4th time worked!! I am a married gay male in the UK and me and my husband have not had penetrative anal sex for over a year due to me needing this surgery. He has been great and really supportive. I however have b...
by Lloyd31
28 Dec 2015, 20:02
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Gay - Anal sex after fistula surgery
Replies: 61
Views: 35601

FISTULA SURGERY - Help wanted - new to the board

I don't have pain and I did heal quickly. Do you know more or less when I could start working after the op? I am hoping 5 days max
by notahappycamper
12 Nov 2015, 01:04
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: FISTULA SURGERY - Help wanted - new to the board
Replies: 19
Views: 6422

Healed 10 years of fissure and 2 years of fistula

Summary: After trying lots of different methods I applied a mixture of lip balm, oregano oil, and arnica oil to fissures and a fistula that bothered me for years. They finally healed up and it has been more than 5 years since going into remission. Minor flares happen and I use the same ...
by Fine and Dandy
11 Nov 2015, 02:02
Forum: Anal Fissure Success Stories
Topic: Healed 10 years of fissure and 2 years of fistula
Replies: 105
Views: 52818

Healed fissures after 10 painful years and fistula after 2

... luck for me, so I make no promises, so please don't accuse me of trying to profit off of people or spreading false hope. My abscesses/fissures/fistula have all healed and for anybody who knows how bad this is, which it is absolutely awful, I feel like if I have any knowledge that could help ...
by Fine and Dandy
10 Nov 2015, 22:43
Forum: Crohn's/Colitis & IBS
Topic: Healed fissures after 10 painful years and fistula after 2
Replies: 3
Views: 3916

Post fistula surgery 1 month

... on from this I developed pain and discharge in the area. After several trips to crs he advised he would eua. Following on from this he found a fistula which was laid open early October. Following on from the abscess I always had what I thought was a skin tag but the crs advised this was part ...
by Marcussorebm
10 Nov 2015, 04:23
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Post fistula surgery 1 month
Replies: 3
Views: 1441

Anal Abscess/Fistula Post Op Caring

... 3 weeks ago and after it burst, I immediately went into surgery to clean out the abscess, but unfortunately when the wound was slit open, a fistula tract had already formed, so the surgeon in Singapore also performed anal fistula surgery. There isn't a lot of information on the internet ...
by SporeW
07 Nov 2015, 21:50
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Anal Abscess/Fistula Post Op Caring
Replies: 1
Views: 1389

What exactly does an abscess or fistula feel like?

Hi all, For those of you who have had an anal abscess or fistula...what were your first symptoms? How did you realize you had one and what did it feel and look like? How long did it take for the pain to develop and was your pain constant and dull? Can ...
by Severelydepressed
26 Oct 2015, 08:17
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: What exactly does an abscess or fistula feel like?
Replies: 2
Views: 3337

Fistula Surgery Help Needed!!!!

I just came today from surgery again unfortunately, coz I developed a fistula right after 11 days from the first operation LIS , so I had a fistulatomy I think he said a superficial fistula with 2 opening , he did de-roof it and let the wound open , and want ...
by salamon555
15 Sep 2015, 19:48
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Fistula Surgery Help Needed!!!!
Replies: 39
Views: 10947

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