What exactly does an abscess or fistula feel like?

What exactly does an abscess or fistula feel like?

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What exactly does an abscess or fistula feel like?

Postby Severelydepressed » 26 Oct 2015, 08:17

Hi all,

For those of you who have had an anal abscess or fistula...what were your first symptoms? How did you realize you had one and what did it feel and look like? How long did it take for the pain to develop and was your pain constant and dull?

Can you develop one due to an anal fissure? I have not had LIS surgery so far.

I have been feeling more sore than usual on my bum, where I think my anal fissure is located. But it's less of a sting and more of a "sore" pain. Currently, I don't see anything there but I was just wondering since I know these things aren't always visible.

Sorry if I seem ignorant in this post. This whole AF experience has made me quite paranoid and has turned me into somewhat of a hypochondriac. :( I am constantly scared...

Thank you..x
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Re: What exactly does an abscess or fistula feel like?

Postby Savaici » 28 Oct 2015, 07:09

Hi SD, if you had an abscess, you would, more than likely, have severe pain and pus. Really, don't worry about this. A 'sore' pain is quite common. However, if you are really worried, chat with your doctor. If you really want to read about what they are, look in this same section, in the Announcements section, the post at the very top, which has diagrams and descriptions.

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Re: What exactly does an abscess or fistula feel like?

Postby Severelydepressed » 02 Nov 2015, 08:43

Thanks dear SavaIci. :cheers: I went to my GE and she didn't seem to see anything. I think you are right and it was related to just the AF in regards to the sore pain. So for now, I am relieved. I hate that I am such a worrywart. This whole experience has made me so paranoid about everything that I read.
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