Second surgery for Fistula -Very Nervous

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Second surgery for Fistula -Very Nervous

Postby Fitzchris » 02 Aug 2016, 14:36

Hi everyone. About 4 years ago, I went to the doctor thinking I had been dealing with bad hemhroids for years, only to discover a bump in my perianal area (between my rectum and testicles). Went to a colorectal doctor who ended up doing surgery to take care of the fistula. After the surgery they left the wound open to drain and heal. It never completely healed and spent about 6 months having my wife repack the wound every day and taking sitz baths multiple times a day. It really put a strain on our relationship and family and was a very difficult, disheartening time. Ended up in a pretty severe depression over the fact that I had gone through all of this only to not really be any better after the fact. He told me he needed to go back in and see if there was more there. At that time I was not mentally ready to go through the process again and begged off.
The last 4 years I go through periods where things seems fairly normal and then periods where I still have quite a bit of drainage that ends up creating very sore spots on my inner thighs where my legs meet my torso. I went back to colorectal and he suggested I go in for an MRI to see what they could find. I went in and he said he didn't see any major fistula but believes there is still one there and he wants to go back in and see what he can find and talked about the possiblity of a Seton or a tightening Seton if needed.
In the research that I've done (i know googling this stuff can do more damage than good, but I did it anyway), it seems like these don't often work and people end up with multiple more surgeries. I want to resolve the issue because, well it sucks, but also don't want to put myself and my family through another surgery and all that entails only to come out of it worse than when I went in. I am scared to leave it be and I'm scared to go back in for another surgery. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. Happy to find this forum.
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Re: Second surgery for Fistula -Very Nervous

Postby ThisTooShallPass » 05 Aug 2016, 19:47

Hey man :) I would say, be brave and go for it to get yourself cured! It may take awhile to heal and get back to normal life once again, but in my opinion, when the day of full recovery comes, you'll be a better and happier man for it.

I just done a fistulectomy myself, in recovery period now. I had a bad experience with my first surgeon. Have you been reviewing with the same doc? If so why not try a different doctor for another opinion :)

Get well soon!
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