Seeking some reassurance I guess!

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Seeking some reassurance I guess!

Postby Gtower1985 » 28 Jun 2018, 12:07

Hi everyone!

I'd like to share my experience and see if it has been similar to what some of you are going through, and also seek a bit of support. I have pretty bad health anxiety and this has intensified it unfortunately!

3 months ago, I'm on the toilet straining with a large bowel movement. I coughed violently and it all came out and I instantly felt a lot of pain in my butt.

I tried the usual of anusol suppositories, and after a week of two felt okay. Another few weeks later and the pain starts up, a burning, itchy horrible pain that makes sitting for longer than 10 minutes impossible. This would come on an hour or so after a poo and can last for 4-6 hours.

I went to the doctors and she examined me, said she couldn't see a fissure but could see a small pile, but because of my symptoms said I have a fissure and prescribed rectogesic.

I've been trying this for nearly three weeks now, but only at night because of the vicious headaches it gives me.

I also, nearly every afternoon/evening get the feeling that my bum is puckering up, almost like I'm pushing it out.

Then I'll go 2 days of feeling okay, get my hopes up, then bam! Pains start up again.

My points of worry are several I guess,

The pain seems to be from the 9pm position, although its hard to tell, most people say 6 or 12.

There is rarely blood, the occasional fresh bright red speckles.

Because my Doctor hasn't been able to visually confirm it as a fissure, my mind is racing with bad thoughts.

Otherwise, I'm not losing weight, and my bowel movements are regular.

Thanks in advance people, and thanks for taking the time to read this ramble!
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Re: Seeking some reassurance I guess!

Postby Gtower1985 » 28 Jun 2018, 12:09

Sorry, I should add, if I put a finger up there, I can't locate anything that is painful, yet all the pain feels like it is right by the opening, so to speak
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Re: Seeking some reassurance I guess!

Postby patience_and_healing » 30 Jun 2018, 22:10

It's probably a fissure from what you've described, but it's best to go see a colorectal specialist if you haven't already done that. Keep in mind that malignant issues are quite rare in general and because it's clearly linked to a bad BM, that makes it even less likely.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
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Re: Seeking some reassurance I guess!

Postby Camry » 14 Aug 2018, 09:02

Gtower i share your sentiments. I feel the same too. After bm i feel this pain that would last for hours...what helps you ease the pain?
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