Seems to be healing then BAM right back!

Possible retear

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Seems to be healing then BAM right back!

Postby Momof3 » 02 Nov 2018, 08:59

I can go for a week with soft serve ice cream stool and have no blood or discomfort during or after a BM. Then out of nowhere I have bigger stool but to me not to big and then the pain and blood return this also happens when my stool is to soft and small. What is the deal? Am I really healing?
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Re: Seems to be healing then BAM right back!

Postby Okaybum » 03 Nov 2018, 01:00

I have asked this question for 4 months. I'd make it 17 days then bam. I've discovered partially what causes it for me.
1- too much fiber I stopped the fibre supplements
2- a lot of red meat beef, lamb, etc
3- white potatoes including french fries. Sweet potato is fine.
4- too much takeout/fried food
5- not enough salads or veggies
6- not enough water

I can eat pizza but I need to have a salad at lunch. If I have subway, boom, it happens.

So I eat fish, chicken most nights. Occasional beef. Pork is fine.

I made it 5 weeks doing this. Had 2 stools in the afternoon (2nd of the day, the morning BM was perfect) strangely recently that were more solid and scrapey but it didn't retear. I am pretty sure that was a combination of bad food/less water.

But anyway, hope that helps
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Re: Seems to be healing then BAM right back!

Postby MarkM » 08 Dec 2018, 18:08

How is your retear now
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