Setback and feeling blue

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Setback and feeling blue

Postby Oouchie » 12 Dec 2017, 12:41

Hi everyone

This is my first post here so be gentle with me!

I've had a fissure for around 18 months or so, for which I'd used GTN ointment in the past. I don't think I ever truly got on top of it as I also have troublesome haemorroids which prolapse.
Following time in hospital, my haemorroids and fissure got completely out of control. I was given Anoheal (diltiazem) cream as I was in such agony I wanted to die! This was about 3 weeks ago.
It's much better now - then yesterday the pain started again. I have spent most of today in bed with a hot water bottleresting g on my backside, taking pain killers and lots of salty baths. I'm so upset that I'm in pain again. It felt like I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel :groan:

I have an appointment with a new CRS in about 3 weeks time but am terrified of more surgery. I tend to get complications and am so scared.

So, I'm taking Laxido, using Anoheal, taking lots of salty there anything else I can do to promote self healing?

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Re: Setback and feeling blue

Postby Hopefull123 » 12 Dec 2017, 13:17

I am so sorry to hear that. I too had a set back after 2 weeks free of pain. I made the mistake to eat lots of cheese during a Christmas party and my stool hardened. Today is the second day and it's still hard although I tool mineral oil and extra dose of Magnesium citrate. I guess it takes a few days until the cheese is fully out of my digestive system. I am in tears. I made a promise to myself NOT to eat cheese again until maybe in three months if everything is painless and healed.
I found that diet is the most important thing for healing. Not much fiber, more meat, yams, potatoes, some veggies. Never gluten, cheese or sugar. What do you eat normally and what do you use as laxatives?
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Re: Setback and feeling blue

Postby Oouchie » 12 Dec 2017, 13:55

Hi Hopefull

Thanks for your reply, and I'm sorry you're suffering a setback also. It really sucks!

It must be horrible avoiding cheese - I adore the stuff. But doesn't sound like the after effects are worth it for you.

So, do you avoid bread as well, as you mentioned no gluten?

My diet is very balanced. I don't eat much bread, and avoid spicy foods (my main trigger). I eat lots of fruit, veggies, fish and mest - predominantly chicken. I do eat red meat sometimes as well.

I haven't had alcohol for a few months
due to recent surgeries, so I know tgat isn't the issue.

I use Laxido (movicol) 1 or 2x per day as a softener. I probably should drink more water.

Hope you feel better very soon.
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Re: Setback and feeling blue

Postby Hopefull123 » 12 Dec 2017, 15:52

yes, bread also hardens my stool. Actually, none of the foods I am refraining from cause any intolerance or allergy, they just cause a normal stool. But for us this normal hurts LOL. So we have to keep it soft. What a frustration.
I actually elevated my legs against the wall for a half hour and the pain diminished significantly. this is one way to promote healing because that way there is blood flow in the pelvis by elevating it above your heart. Try doing that 3 time per day for at least 20 min at a time. Put a bunch a pillows under your back so you can elevate the pelvis slightly above your heart. That way your sphincters are in a complete resting position with no pressure. I can actually feel the pressure release from there when I am in this position.
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Re: Setback and feeling blue

Postby Oouchie » 12 Dec 2017, 19:15

Thats great advice! I will try doing that for sure.

I'm so glad I'm not at the 'screaming in agony' stage again though. It really was truly terrible. I've never know such constant, unrelenting pain.

Here's to everyone healing completely and quickly.
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