severe spasm, HELP

first severe spasm

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severe spasm, HELP

Postby connej » 18 May 2014, 21:51

I am currently suffering through my first ever severe spasm after a BM,

last week my fissure opened up pretty bad with blood but over the weekend it got better, yesterday was one of best BM's for a while and then this morning it was pretty hard and sore and with blood and then like an hour later i am in terrible pain :( i am in bed crying....

whats odds is the pain seems to be not only in my backside but also in my pelvis area... :'(
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Re: severe spasm, HELP

Postby Scientist2516 » 18 May 2014, 22:08

Oh, I'm so sorry, I know how miserable that is. I remember it well. Two things that helped me a bit - a hot water bottle under my bum was soothing, and ibuprofen would take the edge off so I could sleep.

I think the pelvic pain is referred pain, or tension pain, or something - I used to get pain in my urethra, and get panicked about having a bladder infection, but it was just referred pain. Yes, it is all so desperately unfair.

I hope it helps to know that you will get through this. It takes time, and there are set backs, and sometimes it's very discouraging, but you CAN and WILL get better. Keep up the good diet, drink plenty of water, use your meds. Just remember - it does take time. Don't give up!

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Re: severe spasm, HELP

Postby connej » 18 May 2014, 22:17

Hi Scientist2516, thank you so much for your advice and support

This is just so depressing, i don't usually get his kind of pain just blood and pain during bm and I've always thought I would rather pain than seeing blood but i take that back :( but I've got both now, aren't i lucky

I usually try to have a hot bath after every bm and i took some Panadol, the pain is gone now it lasted about 45 minutes, 45 minutes of hell. Now I'm terrified thing about my next bm :(
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Re: severe spasm, HELP

Postby Scientist2516 » 18 May 2014, 22:34

Yes, the fear is sometimes as bad as the pain itself.
For about 3 months I was taking 6 - 10 ibuprofen a day. It didn't stop the pain, but it did make life a bit easier. I don't recommend taking big doses of painkiller without consulting a doctor. My doc said it was OK in the short term, luckily.
Good luck!
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
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Re: severe spasm, HELP

Postby connej » 18 May 2014, 22:40

wow, that must have been a nightmare for you :(

I'm going to hope this was just a one off

thanks again
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Re: severe spasm, HELP

Postby Apes » 19 May 2014, 05:33

I'm sorry to hear you are now getting the spasm pain. Just remember this is a slow process but you will get better. I have been dealing with this for over 3 months and had Botox 15 days ago. I used to get very upset thinking that after a good day I was better but then no, I have pain and spasm for 6 hours. Try to make yourself as comfortable as possible, for me it was baths, trying to lie down and moving any way to get rid of the pain. When are seeing a CRS?
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Re: severe spasm, HELP

Postby connej » 19 May 2014, 05:47

Hi Apes :)

I am seeing a CRS next monday...
oddly enough my second BM today there was the usual sharp pain but no blood or spasm, its just frustrating how up and down things are but the most frustrating part is that things never seem to fully heal. I saw my GP today and she said the CRS will probably suggest i try the botox injection..
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Re: severe spasm, HELP

Postby Apes » 19 May 2014, 07:43

Do your research. I chose Botox because I did not want to have surgery and risk incontinence. My CRS recommended LIS for me, as it has a very high success rate and chances of incontinence are small. If the Botox doesn't work I may regret my decision. Read through the forum and make your decision on what will work best for you. Good luck.
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Re: severe spasm, HELP

Postby brycesara » 08 Jan 2020, 06:54

Hello, I see someone used topical estrogen to help heal fissure?
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