Sharp pain with seepage

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Sharp pain with seepage

Postby sun244 » 26 Nov 2017, 20:08


I had history of Anal Fissure, Fistula and Hemorrhoids for last 12 years. I had them under control for last 3 years. For last 10 days, I am experiencing the following:

1. Sharp pain in anal area with out blood. Only once, I spotted blood 15 days back and that time there was no pain.
2. Feeling of lot of pressure (cannot think of another word)
3. Seepage. The amount is small, the matter does not touch my under pant.

I cannot feel any lumps in anal area, so most likely they are not external Hemorrhoids.

I started applying witch hazel and Prep-H. I am also taking ACV, Prune juice and lot of water.

I do not have insurance and really want to take all precautions and fix this. Are the above symptoms indicate internal hemorrhoids or AF? Is there a way to do self examination?

Thanks for all the support

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Re: Sharp pain with seepage

Postby patience_and_healing » 29 Nov 2017, 14:25

If you have a fissure then preparation H will not help. Fistulas have no non surgical cure as far as I know. If there is any way you can arrange for funds to go see a specialist that would be the best course of action. It's not really possible for one to peer inside their own anal canal and you would probably hurt yourself.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
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8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
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