should i continue rectogesic ?

had botox , they said fissure looked healed

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should i continue rectogesic ?

Postby Jamesscott96 » 12 May 2017, 11:59

atm stinging really bad my anus feels swelled and aches
i havent used rectogesic since ,

atm yh i feel abit burning alot of itching but not the kind that makes u want to touch it .. its more needles

they said my fissure was healed , thats prob why my spasms werent evil the coming months just weird.. but they gave me botox now i feel abit hot , stinging etc

is this normal almost feels as painful prefissure but it felt better yesterday

i had bm today was expecting torture sititng down , but it didnt last long like 5 mins .

atm its just irritated maybe because i went out? should i be resting alot more and for how long do you reckon?? as this is shit ...
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Re: should i continue rectogesic ?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 12 May 2017, 12:17

You can keep using the rectogesic, I did after my LIS. If it helps with the discomfort there is nor reason not to use it.
Your butt will feel a bit sore as it has just had injections and had people poking around up there so it's not surprising it still hurts.
There's no reason not to go out. I had a rest the first two days after Botox but then went out and did normal mum things like taking kids to school and shopping.
Everyone recovers at a different rate but it's really good that your fissure has healed
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