Should I do Botox for a 2nd time?

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Should I do Botox for a 2nd time?

Postby Benny78 » 25 Jul 2017, 17:22

I had Botox beginning of June. Was in extreme pain for 3 weeks after - the Botox seemed to irritate my sentinel pile so was worse pain than before the procedure. Started to get better very gradually. Thought I was on road to recovery then had a hard bm yesterday with a lot of blood. Hoping this won't be too bad of a set back.

Doctor suggests if fissure doesn't completely heal I could do Botox again but he doesn't seem too hopeful - more like "well it won't hurt." Except the first round set me back $1300 US. My doc says people tend to be much happier after the surgery as opposed to Botox. I'm 38 and have no plans to have kids but not excited at the prospect of being incontanent. Would love to know if anyone has had success with a second round of Botox.

I take Miralax and Metamucil every night. I eat fiber one every morning. Use Diltiazem/Nifedipine ointment 3x a day. Take muscle relaxer at night. Take Advil as needed. Sit on heating pad all day at work. This all started beginning of April.
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Re: Should I do Botox for a 2nd time?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 26 Jul 2017, 09:05

Hi sorry to hear your suffering
If your worried about incontinence please don't be. Lots of the test class incontinence as any slight spiking of underwear. I myself do not class that as incontinence.
I have had LIS and also have crohns so have lots of urgent liquid BMs I have never had any incontinence and there was only slight discharge for about 5 days after op. My sphincter tone was very high and my CRS did not do a complete cut the whole length of my IS due to my crohns
If your in pain and don't want to do Botox then the way I looked at it was I would much rather as a worst case scenario wear panty liners than be in agony
Good luck
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