simple fistulotomy

cleaning of open wound post simple fistulotomy

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simple fistulotomy

Postby qwerty123 » 13 Dec 2016, 05:34

Hi everyone
New to the forum here..wanted to get some advice from some of you who may have gone through the same thing.
Im august 2016 i started developing a perianal abscess, after the first few days the pain started becoming unbearable to the point where i couldnt move and was in constant severe pain for 2 weeks. The abscess eventually drained and got smaller and smaller over the next month after that. I was referred to a CRS who told me i most likely have a fistula (superficial one which would only require a simple fistulotomy). I did the surgery 2 days ago (exactly 4 months after i first developed the perianal abscess).
It has been extremely painful everytime i pass stools,so have just been staying on a fluid diet. But because of this ive been passing stools more frequently and it seems that everytime i pass stools it irritates the open wound. I do sitz bath after every bowel movement to try keep the wound clean but i cant seem to clean it properly as ive got some hemorrhoids and extra skin flaps in the anal area which bulge out and i cant clean the wound properly.. the surgeon said if its an open wound it cant possibly get infected and to not worry about infection. Its still constantly bleeding and draining 2 days post op. Just wondering if it will get infected if i dont clean it properly and how long until the draining stops? Any insight is very much appreciated thank you.

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