squat, help your stool with a stool!

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Re: squat, help your stool with a stool!

Postby workingonit » 10 Feb 2012, 09:35

I tried tp rolls too, but they are to soft and would get squished a bit. If you get one of those stools, just get one of those ones with two steps as they are higher.
If you look on the squatty potty website, they give you an idea of how tall you need depending on how tall your toilet is. The squatty potty stool itself wouldn't make a good stool for a toddler though, as it is on a slight angle.
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Re: squat, help your stool with a stool!

Postby Painwontstop » 08 Aug 2017, 23:02

I tried squatting but have hemorrhoidsome bad and it let them come out so bad that I had to go to the emergency room and have them pushed back in. I have tried all otc remedies and the baths but the skin in now so sensitive all the way to my cheeks that it sets me on fire worse. I take 2 norco every 4 hrs and anusol 2 times a day. Surgeon wants to see if lidocaine gel and a compounding cream will heal it. If it doesn't the it's lis for me and I am scared to death. I just want the pain to stop. Can't walk or lay down I am in misery. I almost pass out from the pain. I get a cold sweat and my ears start to ring lough and everything goes black. My husband helps me back and then the nausea hits. What can I do this is the first time I have had one. I am so glad that I found ppl that understands but am also sorry to know others are suffering like this. Please any advise to help.
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