Still having mild pain and irritation 6 months post LIS

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Still having mild pain and irritation 6 months post LIS

Postby NotSoCool » 23 Apr 2015, 12:26

Its past 6 months of LIS , from 2nd month onwards things were better , except for the itching some rashes , bloating and pimples on my butt. Now after 6 months i am starting to feel the same fissure pain as i did before i had LIS. No matter what stool softner my doctor prescribe, i feel my body gets habituated to it and again start producing hard/stool and i have developed in somewhat righter side of my anus and when ever i pass stool i feel mild burning/scratching pain. I regularly use Lox 2 % (Topical cream) and do Sitz bath and self examine by inserting my index finger to test the resting pressure. Guyz please help need advice.
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Re: Still having mild pain and irritation 6 months post LIS

Postby Lincoln » 30 Apr 2015, 07:47

I'm 9 days post lis and I still feel like the same type of fissure pain as before the surgery I'm beginning to worry that the lis isn't helping. Did you have relief after and now 6 months later you do? Have you been reexamined?
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Re: Still having mild pain and irritation 6 months post LIS

Postby NotSoCool » 30 Apr 2015, 13:32

Yes !!! The problem which i am facing now is that i get small cuts , but the major issue is that i have to keep my stool ultra soft now to avoid any cuts, and after LIS they have basically increased the resting pressure so that agonizing pain which i use to feel while passing stool is gone.

I have visited 2 times to my doc and he said everything looks fine, and gave me some different stool softener and said to keep it soft and drink plenty of water. The resting pressure is fine(he examined that by inserting his finger).

I hope this information helps. Everything will be fine buddy :)
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Re: Still having mild pain and irritation 6 months post LIS

Postby owmybum » 30 Apr 2015, 14:20

The pain you are describing could be from scar tissue. That can take a long time to settle down. If you are still fissuring, having the LIS means you will heal alot quicker as your muscle is not too tight.
Have you tried movicol/ mirilax stool softener? It's very good. Some people take magnesium supplements too, as they help soften the stool. As with any stool softener or fibre, remember to drink plenty of fluids to help them do their job, and keep your body fully hydrated too.

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Re: Still having mild pain and irritation 6 months post LIS

Postby NotSoCool » 01 May 2015, 03:25

I stay in India , so i dun think i can manage the exact medicine you mentioned, I have used Loz Syrup, Livotone and presently using Duphlax , and Creamalax (SOS).

The fissure pain is not there but there is a constant nagging irritation. It comes and goes.
Before the LIS i used to feel bloated and used to feel the urge to go to the toilet 24 7 , that has gone.
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Re: Still having mild pain and irritation 6 months post LIS

Postby Lincoln » 03 Oct 2015, 21:34

I'm just over 5 months since my lis and yesterday and today I feel like I've either torn or have major irritation at my incision site again. I'm so upset! Started sitz baths. Will this heal? Ugh
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