Hey everyone,
I'm a 28 year old female and after dealing with fissures for 3 years after an initial bout of food poisoning I finally went ahead and had surgery. They did a sphincterotomy and fissurectomy. Day 1 was pure Hell. I instantly regretted surgery and wondered what I had gotten myself into. Day 2 was more of the same. I alternated oxycodone and ibuprophen every few hours and slept as much as possible... (Was up all night on night 1).
Day 3 I had my first BM and while it was very painful I got in the bathtub afterwards and pain passed much faster than before my surgery. I was so happy. the pain altogether had seemed to start letting up and I could walk around some and even sit up to a point for a little while.
Well then as I was getting ready for bed I started getting more and more uncomfortable. It now feels as though maybe the stitches are pinching/poking/prodding. It started out as slight discomfort and is now full out pain. It's now the next morning and I was so uncomfortable I had trouble sleeping again. I took more ibuprofen but it doesn't seem to be helping.
Can anyone tell me if this is normal... To start to feel better than go sort of backwards? I'm worried about possible infection. It's only day 4 at this point but still... I don't want to go backwards. I'm so nervous and my doctor has been less than helpful since surgery. He basically did the surgery and then blew me off.
Please help!