Struggling with relaxing muscles before stool

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Struggling with relaxing muscles before stool

Postby Helpplz101 » 19 Sep 2022, 21:45

Hi everyone

I've got 2 fissures as a result of severe constipation in early pregnancy.

I've realised my pelvic floor is contributing massively towards my fissures not healing.

When I sit on the toilet I use a stool, lean forward and breathe out through my mouth, but I'm struggling to relax my muscles, resulting in only a small amount of stool coming out.

The fissures have created a negative connection with going to the toilet, and I'm afraid of the pain and seeing blood.

How can I work to sort this out? I realise I might be limited during pregnancy but any advice would help.

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Re: Struggling with relaxing muscles before stool

Postby patience_and_healing » 19 Sep 2022, 23:56

Hi there, if you have access to see a pelvic physical therapist then I strongly advise going that route. Fissures cause the muscles to go into spasm, so you also need to see a specialist who can prescribe an ointment to help with that.

In the meantime perhaps a warm sitz bath before a BM could prove helpful.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
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