Good morning,
Thanks for adding me to the forum.
I've had an anal fissure/fissures for well over a year due to a severe bout of constipation. Various creams prescribed by my doctor had no effect, and despite having a healthy diet, the constipation continued.
Eventually I saw a consultant who gave me a full examination under general anaesthetic. During this they removed some skin tags, injected the anal sphincter with Botox and also injected my piles (which weren't severe.)
Three weeks after I am still in excruciating pain. Mainly after a BM, but not so much during as I am taking laxatives every day on medical advice.
If I had known how awful it would be I would never have had the Botox. It's far, far worse now that before.
Lidocaine, on medical prescription, has no effect at all. I'm seeing a doctor later today as I can't stand this any longer.
One of the things they don't explain fully about the Botox is how it paralyses part of the sphincter so no full control/feeling during a BM. They warned me about the flatulence and not being able to control it and that is a huge embarrassment but I can live with it. The pain is something else!