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Thanks for adding me

Postby Krin » 09 Apr 2018, 04:32

Good morning,
Thanks for adding me to the forum.
I've had an anal fissure/fissures for well over a year due to a severe bout of constipation. Various creams prescribed by my doctor had no effect, and despite having a healthy diet, the constipation continued.
Eventually I saw a consultant who gave me a full examination under general anaesthetic. During this they removed some skin tags, injected the anal sphincter with Botox and also injected my piles (which weren't severe.)
Three weeks after I am still in excruciating pain. Mainly after a BM, but not so much during as I am taking laxatives every day on medical advice.
If I had known how awful it would be I would never have had the Botox. It's far, far worse now that before.
Lidocaine, on medical prescription, has no effect at all. I'm seeing a doctor later today as I can't stand this any longer.
One of the things they don't explain fully about the Botox is how it paralyses part of the sphincter so no full control/feeling during a BM. They warned me about the flatulence and not being able to control it and that is a huge embarrassment but I can live with it. The pain is something else!
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Re: Thanks for adding me

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 09 Apr 2018, 10:16

Oh that sounds awful! I’m so sorry you are having to go through this. Skin tag removal is painful and takes some time to heal. Definitely stick with the laxatives if it makes the pain more bearable. I hope you can find a better solution today. Let us know how your Doctor appointment goes.
Deleted User 7114

Re: Thanks for adding me

Postby Krin » 09 Apr 2018, 11:47

Thanks. They suggested trying Scheriproct Ointment & suppositories (Prednislone hexanoate Cinchocain hydrochloride) which are mainly used to treat piles but apparently will help. I have to say the relief from simply one application is significant.
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Re: Thanks for adding me

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 09 Apr 2018, 12:12

I'm glad you found some relief in this constant battle. How long will you be able to take it for?
Deleted User 7114

Re: Thanks for adding me

Postby Krin » 26 Apr 2018, 04:53

An update on post-Botox injection for my anal fissure.
The condition is considerably worse now, 5 1/2 weeks after the procedure. BM's are a bit painful but the real agony, and I do mean agony, start a few minutes later. The pain increases and can last for 8 hours or more. I have the feeling of needing to go to the loo again and sometimes I can, that's painful! It has completely screwed up my life. I am unable to make plans as sometimes I can barely walk. It was bad before the Botox but had I known how bad it would become after, I would never have had it done.
I have to take laxatives twice a day or I become constipated. Eventually after a few days, I get very loose stools so I cut back on the laxatives which result in...yes, you guessed, constipation. I feel like a hamster in a wheel.
I try to drink lots of water, have a healthy diet but because of the pain, can't exercise. Sitting, standing, walking and driving are all painful.
There were some days when it seemed the worse was over a couple of weeks ago. After the BM the pain would be there for an hour or so then would be OK. For some reason, unknown to me, that changed.
I'm due to see the consultant on Tuesday but I absolutely won't allow any more invasive procedures. I'm in the UK, by the way, so some of the medication/surgery options aren't necessarily available to me.
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Re: Thanks for adding me

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 30 Apr 2018, 04:00

I'm so sorry to hear how much trouble you are having. If it's any consolation, I know the pain you are feeling and how it screws up your life and stops you from doing what you want. I have the exact same issue with laxatives as you do. I can't take psyllium/metamucil as it bulks up my stool too much which makes BMs more difficult, but with laxatives, I alternate between diarrhea and constipation, never quite getting the balance right.

The only worthwhile piece of advice I could give would not be to rule out LIS surgery. I had it two months ago and I am a slow healer. It is not healing properly and I retore again this morning, but even with all the problems post-surgery, I still don't regret it. The surgery has taken away 90% of the pain that I used to feel and I can have a BM in the morning, do my sitz bath and get on with my day.

And also, like others have said on this board, keep up with a high-fibre diet and drink ungodly amounts of water. Also, do you have any food intolerances? I'm intolerant to dairy and chocolate. If I eat them, they create a lot of gas which has turned out to be equally bad for the fissure.

Sending you hugs and support. I hope that time will be a healer for you. Know that you are not alone in this journey.

Deleted User 7114

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