Thank you both for the nitro feedback. In my country (im from argentina) we have just one ointment available, and it's 0,2%, used twice a day. We dont have botox available or the other drugs i've seen you have It's either this or LIS (which my doc is avoiding).
I asked the doc if I could use it longer, and said no problem. What baffles me is why the guy wants me to use that just once a day now, and just in the night. I cant find a reason why and dont want to dissobey him but... if i dont use it after my bm i cant work. The bm triggers a very annoying burning/inflamation feeling that lasts hours if i dont use nitro. With nitro at least its just a couple of hours.
I googled for your case, bathboi, but cant seem to find anything related And you seem to be very very mindful of your diet.
I dont use laxatives (except mineral oil some days when i know i ate more gluten stuff that i should), so i dont know if them could have something to do with it?
AFs seem like a puzzle for each body