The leakage after LIS

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Re: The leakage after LIS

Postby aimonaali » 12 Nov 2013, 15:03

I did go to another CRS and he actually told me that the fissure was gone. He couldn't see anything on the site of the insicion either. Wich is good news but leads to no explanation for why I still have some pain after BM and general discomfort all day long. The CRS said that the leakage problem can be taken under examination once the pain is gone. He also gave me a dilator to try out for amonth but I only used it for two weeks since I felt I was only getting worse. I wrote about it on the "self dilation" thread. I don't really know where I could get a bulb syringe... I actually have tried rolling toilet paper in tight "sticks" and trying to use them to clean inside my butt after BM. This might actaully have helped a bit. I also try not to let the muscle close right after a BM which seems to decrease the pain and maybe even the leakage.

I guess I have to just keep doing what I'm doing and see if it gets any better... Thanks for the replies.
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Re: The leakage after LIS

Postby jr2 » 12 Nov 2013, 17:18

Depending on where you live and access to a pharmacy there should be syringes in the baby section of the store. I've seen members here posting products like this one ... by+syringe

or like this one ... by+syringe
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Re: The leakage after LIS

Postby FissureHome » 20 Nov 2013, 14:27

Aimonaali, very sorry to hear your having issuses...i have a fissure for 2 months now and its takin over my whole scared to do surgery worried about leakage and only 29 but i guess its better than being in pain all the time hope you feel better and heal up! Any Advice?
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Re: The leakage after LIS

Postby aimonaali » 23 Nov 2013, 07:30

You're fissure is farely "new" so I'd maybe try out other possibilities before having surgery. But I do thinks there's a point where you just have to go for the surgery if everything else has failed and it's really taking over your life. And usually the surgery has good results and the leakage like mine is rare.
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Re: The leakage after LIS

Postby FissureHome » 23 Nov 2013, 14:48

Thanks for the reply aimonaali..yea i was actually feeling like 50% better starting to be able to sit and went for follow up appointment and when the doc looked at it hes like it is actually looking better i must admit but it just re ripped a little..the next day was back at square one was so 3 weeks later im starting to feel a little better again i hope i can heal without the using dialtiazm and wheatgrass superbalm..
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Re: The leakage after LIS

Postby FissureHome » 25 Dec 2013, 08:32

Aim how are you feeling now adays?
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Re: The leakage after LIS

Postby FissureHome » 30 Dec 2013, 06:20

aim how are you feeling?
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Re: The leakage after LIS

Postby aimonaali » 04 Jan 2014, 05:41

Sorry for not replying, I haven't been on this site much lately which usually is good thing since it means I haven't had big problems. I would say I'm doing better. Right now I can feel a bit itchy in the fissure area but there have been a lot of days when I have't felt it at all. My butt in general does still have issues with the incision site and all that but it has been tolerable. As for the leakage, I'd say it's been a lot better lately. Some days I can hardly see any leakage when I go for the second wipe. I also bought a more "powerful" showerhead to use for clean up after a BM.

My CRS said that leakage like mine can be dealed with by using rubber bands, but that sounds kinda rought to me:/ But hopefully I keep getting better and won't need another surgery ever again on my ass. It has been over a year since my LIS and I couldn't have thought it would take this long.

Hopefully this year is better than the last:)
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Re: The leakage after LIS

Postby FissureHome » 04 Jan 2014, 09:28

Geeze thats crazy its been over a year since LIS and still having sorry to hear that..i know your pain..ive been dealing with for like a little over 3 months and im goin crazy..but at least your gettin better each day..So did the LIS do anything for you? Most people feel better in 2-4 weeks..Are you able to sit and drive without pain?
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Re: The leakage after LIS

Postby aimonaali » 06 Jan 2014, 11:56

Apparently LIS did cure the actual fissure. It did retore once but now seems to be healed now. I can sit and drive quite normally but sitting for a long time does make my butt ache. The problems I have now aren't so much to do with the fissure. It's more about the leakage and the overall pain I still have around my sphinchter muscle. Today was a bad day for me with the leakage, there was a lot of it again :(

I feel really down because of this sometimes...
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