The CRS told me "there's no need to torture you, your description over the very same area, sounds very much like fissure you had last year." This is a new CRS from the one I had last year, he ordered nifedipine and told me to apply it three to four times a day and come back to see him in six week weeks for an exam of the area. He also suggested I take two docusate sodium (one at breakfast and one at dinner). I went through my diet and he said "a healthy diet" but not enough fibre and you need more water. I drink about 80oz of water a day, but he told me to drink more, cut out the two mugs of morning coffee and add more fibre. Just got a cereal that has 10g of fibre (less than 1 gram of sugar) and will add that to my morning non-fat yogurt. Will also continue with the olive oil.
I asked which is better "Rectiv" or "nifedipine" and he said studies have shown they are about the same, but fewer complications from nifedipine. I'll try the nif for two weeks and if it doesn't work then will ask for the nitro. Hoping to resolve this. Interesting, as a colo-rectal surgeon he told me, "I'm a surgeon, I cut things, so if this doesn't work then we should consider surgery." Hoping this process will work.