The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby SueMac » 25 Jul 2019, 11:38

Davimos- agree that things like climate makes above difference I’m in spain at the moment and I’m struggling with constipation I was g getting in the uk with same diet and fluids .
Okaybum - really hope the fibre con works - don’t have that exact brand in uk but assume it’s bulking agent maybe like fibogel we have here? If it worked on your body at 16 that’s a good sign.
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby appleapple » 26 Jul 2019, 09:58

Hi Okaybum,

I think my fissure healing is being complicated (or at least made slower) by my hemmie problem too. I'm in the US too and my CRS told me to go off Miralax completely and start on fiber supplements (Metamucil). I'm super nervous about BMs that are too formed or hard so I haven't done it yet. Still doing half cap Miralax in the morning and another half cap before bed. We all respond to the same treatment so differently - hope you have good results!!!

Sending virtual hugs ~~
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby davminos » 26 Jul 2019, 23:20

This is such a difficult process, seems we just have to figure out trial and error how much or how little fiber to have in addition to ample amounts of water. I wish you all the best wishes as you move forward. I've been taking the nifedipine for about 2 weeks now and it seems to be working. I continue with the Vaseline and that really does seem to be a tremendous help. as you wrote The challenge is trying not to go too many times but with that I just don't know what to do.
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby SueMac » 27 Jul 2019, 03:36

It's super hard to get it right and we are all different! What one person might be taking or eating would cause great bm for them but for another cause liquid stools and for another still not be enough and cause hard dry stools! All we can do is take advice and test ourselves. I'm back on movicol now as holiday diet been disaster!!
So sorry none of that helps whatsoever.....
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby Okaybum » 27 Jul 2019, 19:08

Hey apple, I know exactly how you feel. I started Fibercon 2 days ago. Been having solid stools for 3 days. I've reduced movicol from 2 doses (3.5 sachets all up) to 1 dose of just 2 sachets. And I've reduced docusate sodium as well. Sometimes I think why not just drop movicol and add in 2 doses of Fibercon then I get a bigger BM that bleeds and I think noooooo I need more movicol.

Instead of freaking out over my bigger BM that was really soft but bleed and made my chronic fissure hurt, I carried on with my plan. The fiber supposedly takes up to 3 days to take effect.

This morning was the nicest, softest BM I have ever had. With movicol, I'd have scrapey diarrhea. It was never soft. Yesterday I read something that said movicol adds water to your intestines, not your bowels. This is why fiber is important as it adds water to your bowels to make your bowel movements smooth. It's true. I just either never took enough fiber, or stopped after 1 day, or did not drink enough water.

The other thing I noticed. It had mobility. It was solid and ready to evacuate. No pushing or deep breathing or weird squats needed. Whereas even on 3 sachets of movicol I sometimes had to drink prune juice to get things to come out.

No more pressure in my bum. Yay. And lastly no more sharts. My farts don't let loose loose stool because it's solid.

So currently I'm taking
A single 2 sachets dose of movicol before breakfast.
2 Fibercon 30 mins before dinner
2 Coloxyl (240mg docusate sodium) after dinner
An hour later I take fish oil capsules and probiotic, cranberry, and I have been taking collagen gummies and vitamin C and a low constipation iron/vitamin b supplement to prevent hidradenitis suppurativa. I have tried not taking the fab iron but it does not effect my BM at all.
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby Okaybum » 27 Jul 2019, 19:11

Hey Sue, no Fibercon is different than that. I don't think there is anything similar in the UK or Australia because of the ingredients. But hey it's in pill form and please, let me just say I'm thankful I don't have to mix crap in water in the afternoon any more. Man I was sick of that. lol
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby SueMac » 28 Jul 2019, 10:09

Okaybum- thanks for the info re fiber con
I’m really glad you’ve found a great solution your bowels are happy with I hope it remains so into the future. Great news!
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby davminos » 31 Jul 2019, 13:53

Hope everyone is doing well. It's such a one day at a time process. So far so good here. After two and a half weeks of the nidephine seems to be healing. Have also changed diet: 1/4 cup high fiber cereal with cup of blueberries and cup of strawberries in morning with cup of non-fat milk. An orange at noon, if hungry then 6 oz of non-fat yogurt. Dinner has been plenty of veggies and 6 to 8 oz of protein (usually fish, but can also be chicken, or tofu). Usually try to include cup of black beans. Have additional fruit during day, usually an apple and cup of black cherries or watermelon or half cup of red grapes. Also, lots of water, around 80oz or so a day. This new diet seems to be helping, but even though very soft today, as a little sore after bm, but it went away, think I over cleaned. Nonetheless, this daily diet seems to be helping with consistent soft stools and a bit more regular. Was concerned about post cleanup soreness, but fingers crossed. Best wishes!!
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby SueMac » 03 Aug 2019, 06:35

That’s grear Daveminos- is it still working well for you? It’s a healthy diet anyway so I hope it’s still helping.
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby davminos » 04 Aug 2019, 00:35

So far so good SueMac. Hopefully it continues to go well. Are you feeling better?
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