Yesterday I had a difficult time with bm. Consequence - re-tear. Four years ago I had 2 fissurectomies and a LIS which didn’t work. I have since had Botox twice which the process of doing gave me more fissures. By the time the fissures began to heal 3 months later the Botox had worn off. Not much point going through that again. I take Movicol everyday. So what to do now?
Since yesterday, which I spent mostly with my head in my hands, I have decided that there is no treatment that will actually help me other than letting time and nature do it’s thing. There is also nothing I can do to prevent this either even though my life is geared around doing just that.
In the meantime I am trying to come to terms with this affliction which I believe I have suffered with most of my life. Need to just accept it. This is my life and this is my affliction. I have to learn to accept it not fight it, get on with my life, don’t lie around waiting to be cured, healed or “normal”. Not sure I know how to do this but don’t feel there is much option. Am I resigned, despondent or just depressed? I honestly don’t know what to do or think anymore. Can anyone relate?