Thoughts and fears about LIS

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Thoughts and fears about LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 13 Jan 2014, 11:33

I have another appointment this Thursday with my CRS. I've had this stupid fissure since Sept. 2012. I can't believe how long it's been.

Random thoughts and fears:

1. I have IBS and already have a little leakage after BM's. Meaning I usually have to wipe at least one more time about 1/2 to 1 hour later. Will this just get worse after LIS?

2. I read of so many people having continued burning/stinging pain after LIS. What's the point then? I'm already having burning/stinging pain and can't sit down!!

3. Incontinence.....just so incredibly scared. Can't even describe how scared I am. It's difficult to leave the house now sometimes. If I'm incontinent, I won't be leaving my house ever again!

4. I still have 2 young kids at home. How am I supposed to be there for them if I'm either in pain all the time or can't leave my house.

If I could only turn back the clock. This whole thing has taken over my life! I can't believe how much it affects everything from my mood to my ability to carry out normal daily functions to even considering making any plans for the future. I just feel stuck.

I know this all sounds so desperate, depressing and negative but just being honest about my feelings right now. I just can't find any good in all this.

Praying for us all.
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Re: Thoughts and fears about LIS

Postby Northernboy » 15 Jan 2014, 02:57

Hi, I feel your pain. I suffered on and off for about four years until my girlfriend made me go see a doctor. It got really bad at the start of September with a very bad bowel movement followed by my first of three abscesses in the month. If you have never had one, thank your lucky stars, it was the most pain I felt in my life and I've done some horrible things to my body lol.
I finally seen a surgeon who recommended cream which was a waste of time and he didn't even bother to take a look. He also scheduled me for a Colonoscopy which I had at the end of September. Everything came back negative except for the fact that I had two large fissures with sentinile piles that were the cause of the problem. I was bleeding a lot and my ass had become almost closed with all the problems. It was so tough.
I was scheduled for surgery on October 22nd and had the LIS done with a Fissurerectomy. Right after the surgery I felt a lot better, it seemed like I had more room to go. It wasn't easy for the first month, but I generally kept progressing. There was still some blood and discomfort with the minor set-backs but it was still feeling better then before the surgery.
I returned to work after 6 weeks.
Now, almost three months later, I see a lot of positives with what I had done and what I have learned about my body. You see, a lot of people will tell you what to eat and how to get better, but for the most part, everyone's system is different. For example, fruit is great for a lot of people, but for me I learned early on that my body does not like anything acidic. I started trying Metamucil and that was almost the end of me, as most fiber drinks or stool softeners are acidic based. As soon as I got off the fruit, I started to feel much better and the burning decreased. That's part of my learning process as I've had to test different diets and medicine. I didn't use any stool softeners right after the surgery and I was fine. My diet consisted of bran flakes, chicken and a lot of roasted vegetables, before and after surgery.
Now, I still eat bran flakes in the morning but have really started trying all food groups again, including bread which is really bad for my system as it creates hard stools for me.
I've had no problem with leakage right from the start and I'm so glad I had the surgery and that it has helped me regain my life. I lost, at the worst point, almost 50 pounds because my system was so used to a lot of fuel and I became scared to eat. I went from 205 to 155 in a little over 2 months and a lot of people were worried that I might be dying(wishful thinking?).
Dealing with this was the lowest point in my life, but I fought through it and I'm now on the road to recovery, I know you can do it to. When I was at my lowest point and trust me, I was giving up because I was in pain 24rs a day, I tried to think about the future and when all this was behind me, it gave me hope. If you have anything you want to talk about or just have somebody to chat about it with, I'll keep an eye out for you. Take care and best wishes with your recovery!
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Re: Thoughts and fears about LIS

Postby Rachael 1984 » 15 Jan 2014, 17:03

:smilyhug: Good luck tomorrow STOT,
I will be thinking of you! Let us know how you get on. I do hope you can move forwards and get an answer and a solution...
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
Ongoing pain/re-tears. Awaiting pressure test results.
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Re: Thoughts and fears about LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 15 Jan 2014, 18:27

Thank you both so very much. I don't know why but it brought tears to my eyes.
Northernboy, thank you for saying you would keep an eye out for me. That really meant so much.
Rachael, we're in this together, right. There has to be light at the end of this tunnel for both of us. Always praying for you!

I'll post tomorrow after I see the doctor. Thank you again.
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Re: Thoughts and fears about LIS

Postby returnofpuzzledbutt » 16 Jan 2014, 03:19

Thinking and praying for you pet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Re: Thoughts and fears about LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 16 Jan 2014, 20:24

Well, I saw my surgeon today and I don't even have adequate words to explain how I'm feeling. He does an exam and proceeds to tell me that even though I have a fissure that hasn't fully healed in 1 1/2 years that it isn't the cause of my pain and it's not a chronic fissure. He thinks I just have chronic pain. I'm thinking he was talking about levator ani syndrome. He then tells me I just have to live with it the! Take some Tylenol or motrin is his advice and live with it. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! Who can just live with this? If I still have a fissure that hasn't healed shouldn't we be addressing that issue? He doesn't think that fissure pain last more than an hour after a bm. I beg to differ. I've had pain for hours after a bm.

My main cause of pain now is sitting. I have just minor pain with a bm but then I can't sit the rest of the day. Burning pain that is only relieved when I stand up. This pain has gotten worse over the last 4 months.

This CRS was my 3rd opinion. The 1st CRS took a leave of absence, the 2nd I felt was very surgery happy, had a horrible bedside manner and my exam with him was horrendously painful. I'm seeking yet another opinion at the Cleveland Clinic. My cousin had LIS surgery there and had wonderful results. I'm calling tomorrow to try to get an appointment ASAP.

I really just sat there in stunned silence several times unable to believe what he was saying. Anybody else ever have this happen or have any advice for me?
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Re: Thoughts and fears about LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 16 Jan 2014, 20:26

Oh, forgot to add he wants me to have a colonoscopy. Are you kidding? I can't imagine the kind of pain that would cause. I just had one 5 years ago (my 3rd) and everything was fine.
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Re: Thoughts and fears about LIS

Postby JHH » 17 Jan 2014, 09:39

Hi there, and sorry about your troubles.

It sounds to me, this CRS is totally worthless. I wouldnt believe him one bit if I were you.
Most of us in here know a fissure can put you in pain for hours and hours after a BM.
Surely the fissure is the most likely cause for your pain, so yes, treat the fissure, and Im sure you will be painfree.

You should continue to search for a good CRS, even if its the 10th opinion! The most important thing is that you have faith in your CRS, and feel you are in good hands.

Good luck!
- Fissure developed in Jan '13
- Started rectogesic in Feb '13 and diltiazem Apr '13.
- Got botox Jun '13
- Healed by Okt '13, although I still had some irritation for about a year.
- New fissure April '22, healed June 2022
- New fissure 24. December 2023
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Re: Thoughts and fears about LIS

Postby Hatetopoop » 17 Jan 2014, 10:30

HI sotiredofthis, I agree with JHH, find a good CRS, hopefully one that is recommended and just get the LIS done. The LIS is a piece of cake. I too am the type that "run" when I get the feeling to go...I have had a few close calls and was worried the LIS would make me incontinent. My followup is on Monday and it has only been a week today of my surgery, but I tell you it all depends on how conservative a cut the surgeon makes. If he's a good CRS he will make the incision just large enough to allow the fissure to heal. It should be very small. Anyhow, I am perfectly fine now; have slippery Bms that slide right out. My problem is the tag removal sites--those are the one burning and causing discomfort but I take two advil and I'm fine within an hour. CRS told me 6 weeks at least for that to heal. I do see the light at the end of the runner so don't sweat it, find that CRS and do it!
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Re: Thoughts and fears about LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 18 Jan 2014, 20:14

Was able to get into the Cleveland Clinic but unfortunately not until March 19th. UGH! I guess I'll just have to wait and live with this burning pain until then. It is the number 2 hospital in the US for gastroenterology. I feel like I'll be in good hands and will hopefully get some answers and some healing finally.

Thanks for all the support!
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