Today is a hard day- support groups in the UK

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Today is a hard day- support groups in the UK

Postby Stayingpositiveyes » 27 Apr 2019, 03:37

Is anyone from the UK and know of any telephone talking groups out there that can offer support?

I feel at a loss today. The pain is excruciating. I went back to the dr for stronger pain relief but because of the inflammation I have around my anus gave me ointment to apply rather than suppositories. Along with the fissures and skin tags, she’s also confirmed an acute pile. This new pain relief is not even touching the sides. Along with the continuous dull pain I also get these shooting pain through my rectum... is anyone else feeling the same? It really feels like I’m the only person in the world feel8ng like this. I just wish the pain would stop.

Thank you in advance.
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Re: Today is a hard day- support groups in the UK

Postby Fissurefrustration » 27 Apr 2019, 06:20

Good afternoon stayingpositiveyes

So sorry that your struggling at the moment sending so many positive vibes your way. You are most certainly not alone, your amongst friends here who can all too well relate to the pain your in. What cream was prescribed for you? Sometimes stopping all the creams lotions and potions can actually help.

Firstly I’d say look at lifestyle changes you could change, really look at your diet and fluid intake. Aim for 2L fluid a day and cut down caffeine and alcohol if possible.

Secondly look at your toileting position, try to raise your knees up on a block or stool when you open your bowels to give you a squatting position. You could buy a squatie potty from amazon which I did, but a block works just as well.

Lastly try to have a shallow warm bath after every bowl motion, I sit with my legs over the edge of the bath and squat my butt into the water so my feet or legs don’t get wet, this increases circulation and brings blood to the area to help it heal.

I’m not sure of any telephone groups as such but I’m more than happy to chat if you need it.

Ff x
Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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Re: Today is a hard day- support groups in the UK

Postby Stayingpositiveyes » 28 Apr 2019, 04:20

Good morning FF
Thank you for your message yesterday.

What saddens and confuses me is I have already made the changes you have suggested. I am gluten free, dairy free and removed compact food I find difficult to digest from my diet. I do not have caffeine and have stopped drinking alcohol. I am also maxing out 2L plus of water a day. I don’t have a squattie potty but use a stool for every bowel movement. And then once I’ve been sit in as hot as I can tolerate sitz bath to ease the pain. I take aloe Vera, udos oil and cider vinger every morning and movicol laxative. I have tried GTN cream and a whole load of other ointments. I am not sure what other changes I can make or things to try. I have read about LIS and start8ng to believe this is the option for me to re8nstate my quality of life.

I have now been referred to another CRS at a specialist hospital as the consultant I was with is unable to move any further forward with me. It’s just frustrating as I’d love another baby and to fully heal but I can’t quite see the end of this. I could not imagine carrying a child and going through the pain I am in.

It’s been going on for coming up to a year now.

I appreciate your offer to chat - thank you

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