LIS 9 days ago

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LIS 9 days ago

Postby Hopeful1 » 26 Mar 2016, 08:31

Hello all,

I've been visiting this forum for about 8 months since I was diagnosed with an Anal Fissure. See my signature for my "CV"! :groan:

My fissure was never very painful, so for many years I put my discomfort down to Hemmorhoids (which I've suffered with for probably the last 10 years with lots of bleeding over the course - mostly internal but initially external).
I had the stabbing pain that many experience, but only rarely. Perhaps a brief knife-like sensation 3-4 times per year, and at random intervals. My diet was actually very poor and my stools frequently too hard which of course didn't help things.

After a break-up and relocation 2 Christmases ago, I decided to focus on my health. I had several long standing niggling problems, of which my backside was just one.

After a rubber band ligation last spring I thought that would be it. I finally sorted my diet, and was drinking plenty of water and getting regular exercise. Howevever the pain continued so I assumed they'd returned.
Going back to my surgeon, he had a look inside and I was told they weren't big enough to do anything about so just keep up with the diet and exercise.

I had a skin tag down there, which I asked to be removed. Thankfully, he agreed. After my recovery from that, still the pain continued.

So, deciding I couldn't face all the waiting inherent with the NHS I started seeing a CRS privately. I was happy to pay occasional consultation fees if it meant not waiting months for a 10 minute consultation!

On my first visit he told me I had a fissure, which appeared to be healing. This was a shock to me because I had read all about fissures and had seen how painful they can be. Certainly, I had wondered if my occasional stabbing pain could be from a fissure, but had written this off as I thought they were unbearable.

The skin tag must have been a sentinel pile.

How had my last surgeon missed this??!!! :scratch: :dunno: :~!@:

Anyway, after a re-tear I returned and was put on GTN ointment. After 2 months this still hadn't worked, so I thought I'd give Botox a try. I'd read a lot about LIS and like many was fearful of incontinence. This was in December just gone.

My local NHS clinical commissioning board declined to fund this, however, so I was faced with the option of paying for Botox privately or having LIS. So having wasted 2 months waiting for their decline, I finally opted for the LIS.

The operation was 9 days ago. I've had a lot of operations over the past two years so that was the easy part.

Like I mentioned before, my fissure never really gave me much pain. It was more of an uncomfortable sensation when opening my bowels with some lingering burning at times. I think I was incredibly lucky there.

So I now find myself in the odd position of being in greater discomfort post-surgery than before! I'm still getting the mild discomfort from the fissure I think, but this does appear to be gradually decreasing. I know this is still very early days.

The incision site has 2 small stitches either side, and this appears to be the source of most of my pain. When I open my bowels there is no or very little discomfort like there was, but sometimes the incision site will be stretched "upon exit" which does hurt a lot. When cleaning up afterwards this can also be very sore.

I'm getting some mild soiling after going to the toilet, which I know is to be expected. But keeping clean down there appears to be vitally important so I've bought myself a Sitz Bath which I'm looking forward to using for the first time today.

I think overall I've been extremely lucky with my fissure "journey" in regards to pain. I know some fellow board members have been and continue to go through hell. I'm looking forward to finally forgetting about having problems down below! Tbh, I've lived with pain and discomfort from my backside for so long that I've forgotten what it's like to live a normal care-free life. So this is what I'm looking forward to rediscovering the most! I just wish I'd taken care of all this a lot sooner.

I realise my story ain't quite as interesting as many of the other tales on here! But I thought I'd share my experience as a way of saying thank you to all the people here who have entertained me with their own recovery stories and shown me what to expect post-surgery.

And to those still suffering...good luck! I'm not out of the woods yet but I'm hoping I can finally put this chapter of my life behind me.
Haemorrhoids: for about 8 years - lived with it
Rubber Band Ligation: Spring 2015
Anal Skin Tag Removal: Summer 2015 (missed sentinel pile)
Fissure diagnosed: Aug/Sep 2015
GTN unsuccessful
LIS: 17 March 2016
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Re: LIS 9 days ago

Postby Canadabum » 26 Mar 2016, 09:42

Thanks for the post -- best wishes for a steady and smooth recovery!

Please keep us posted on how you are doing.

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