Tried Everything! Finally found a combo that worked!

Anal Fissure

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Tried Everything! Finally found a combo that worked!

Postby prayingforamiracl » 08 Aug 2017, 12:54

Hi all!

I wanted to share my story here so that it might help someone who may be in a similar situation as I was.

I've been surfing this site for the past 8-10 weeks while suffering daily from a chronic anal fissure (and sentinel tags) that started about 6 weeks postpartum. I can't even remember what initially brought this on because I don't remember being constipated, but I do remember thinking one day while going to the bathroom, "oh no! I have a fissure again". This wasn't cause for too much concern as I've had minor fissures in the past and they've usually healed within a few days with a homeopathic oil.

This time it would NOT go away and progressively got worse and worse, eventually leading to BM's with bleeding and all-day rectal spasms that had me debilitated -- all of which made caring for my first baby that much harder.

It got to the point that (like many of you) I was dreading going to the bathroom in the morning (even dreading going to bed because it meant a BM was just hours away). Thank goodness I only had 1 BM per day! Any other time I had more than 1, my rectal spasms went through the roof.

Mind you, my BM's were the PERFECT consistency for healing a fissure -- but it just got worse and worse by the day. It was so frustrating. I started to feel hopeless reading people's stories of having these for years with little relief. I figured I was doomed for surgery.

I spent hours upon hours researching and reading about personal stories with fissures -- it literally became my obsession for the past 10 weeks. I also spent hundreds of dollars trying new remedies, some of which included: homeopathic oils and other solutions, coconut oil, makuka honey, burt's bee's res-Q salve, calendula salve, t-relief, arnica oil, prescription hydrocortisone cream...etc. I also tried sitz baths, acupressure, and trying my best to relax while going to the bathroom (ha! What a joke that was).

I finally found a site called and ordered their homemade fissure suppositories and about half way through them I started to feel some relief. But then, unfortunately and not sure why, I started back at square one again.

I decided to re-order another package anyways and keep up the routine. The second round didn't do much for me at all either.

Then, I simultaneously discovered pranicure online and also remembered how effective infrared light therapy was at healing a pulled muscle I had. So I bought both and started these treatments together.

With the lamp I started a twice daily routine of what I call "sunning my bum" which basically means just sitting with my anus exposed to the light for 5-10 minutes. I did this after a bowel movement and a warm shower. I applied the pranicure following the heat lamp session both in the morning and during the day. Keep in mind the pranicure does nothing for pain but it does help to keep the area clean and dry so bacteria can't fester. However,the heat lamp is proven to help with pain relief and to speed wound recovery. Here is a good blog post about it: ... your-life/

I also read that some doctors offer this kind of treatment (with an infrared laser) for fissures and hemmorhoids and have had great success -- but I never saw anywhere to do this at home. But now that I tried it, I am here to tell you IT WORKS.

I can tell you right now that I am SHOCKED at how quickly everything healed. Two weeks later and I am completely blood and pain free. I am SO beyond grateful to be consistently without pain and/or blood. I no longer fear going to the bathroom or obsessing over what I am eating in fear of how it will impact my bathroom experience.

If you haven't tried the light therapy yet, I highly recommend giving it a try -- and it doesn't hurt to try the pranicure or the fissureheal suppositories either, depending on if you have an internal or external fissure - I had both.

Give this a try! Let me know if it works for you too!

Good luck and happy healing to all of you. I know how awful this situation is.
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Re: Tried Everything! Finally found a combo that worked!

Postby yenrac » 07 Nov 2017, 22:18

I am trying pranicure, waiting for it to arrive.
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Re: Tried Everything! Finally found a combo that worked!

Postby ronnieg » 14 Dec 2017, 19:41

How did it work for you?
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Re: Tried Everything! Finally found a combo that worked!

Postby yenrac » 14 Dec 2017, 20:32

I think if your fissure is near the outside and is visible this would work great, however I think mine is too far inside to really get at.
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Re: Tried Everything! Finally found a combo that worked!

Postby ronnieg » 15 Dec 2017, 12:14

Thank you, I'm gonna try the infrared light. Just ordered it from Amazon.
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