Surgery on 3/30

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Surgery on 3/30

Postby just_brit_yaaay » 26 Mar 2010, 10:51

After enduring yet another encounter with the always awesome gloved finger O' death my surgeon has decided to go ahead with the LIS. Its in 4 days, I was kinda expecting a little more time to prepare ( not sure what i thought i needed to do to prepare) but i guess there is no time like the present! Anyway...i'm sure everything will go well and and i'm excited to start the healing process.
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Good Luck

Postby Marsh37 » 26 Mar 2010, 11:45

Good Luck
With the surgery keep us updated on your recovery.. Image
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby StevePain » 26 Mar 2010, 13:44

Blimey brit!!!
You're very very lucky to be getting the surgery so quick!!, Hell i'm 2 years into my fissure nightmare and still no real end in sight.
Good luck Image
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby just_brit_yaaay » 26 Mar 2010, 13:49

thanks guys <3
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby just_brit_yaaay » 29 Mar 2010, 22:52

Surgery is tomorrow and im pretty nervous, hopefully everything goes ok.
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby Fissulyna » 29 Mar 2010, 23:26

All will be just fine Image - you will see Image !!!! You will be out of your misery forever - you have a 98 % chance for that after the LIS, so hold onto that thought Image
Will be thinking and praying for you Image
Lest us know how it went ASAP : ))) !!!!
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 29 Mar 2010, 23:35

Hey Brit, everyone here will keep you in mind tomorrow. Let us know how things go, we're eager to hear! :)
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby sidra1968 » 30 Mar 2010, 08:19

awesome. I think it's great to have it done asap. I went in on a Friday and demanded surgery and was being wheeled in the following Tuesday morning. Gotta take control of these suckers.....
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby DinoDevine » 30 Mar 2010, 08:24

Awwww :)
Really hope it goes well and you will be free of it.
Keep us posted.
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby StevePain » 30 Mar 2010, 08:25

It's alright for you guys, you don't have the lengthy wait that us brits have, the NHS has very long waiting lists, and before we even get the surgery option we have to go through every other possible means of treatment and plenty of complaining, it's bloody hard work!
Brit, wishing you good luck and fast healing!
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