Recent fissure - newbie! Trying low fiber diet

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Recent fissure - newbie! Trying low fiber diet

Postby Hildy » 16 Jan 2022, 21:56

Hi everyone,

I'm new here and have been looking around for a few days and really enjoying all the advice and expertise. A lot of the questions I'm going to ask will be no doubt answered or discussed elsewhere on the forum - feel free to redirect me if needed. If you don't want to read my life story feel free to scroll down to my point form questions at the end. Thank you so much! BTW I'm writing from Sydney Australia. Please reach out if you're local and have any advice about the right medical people.

The fissure has been on and off for about a year, but usually went away in a few days and was misdiagnosed as haemorroids by 3 doctors (I first noticed a haemmorhoid/ skin tag a few years ago but don't think I had flare ups until about a year ago). On Christmas eve I had a constipation event after a long road trip and missing a BM for one day. I must have torn it a lot more than usual as the pain has not gone away or subdued much since (over 3 weeks now).

Finally I saw a specialist and got the correct diagnosis of a fissure. I was already using rectogesic (0.2% glyceryl trinitrate) for 10 days which had been advised by one of the doctors as it can work for haemorrhoids too (which I supposedly don't have, but doctor thought I did).

On the day I saw the proctologist I was having my first pretty much pain free day which was amazing. The proctologist decided that the rectogesic must be working and said to keep using it and come back in 2 weeks. That afternoon I went for an ocean swim and I suspect I just spent too long sitting up in the car that day (2 hours total after not sittin gmuch on previous days). Or was it swimming in the ocean and not washing and putting ointment straight back on for a couple of hours? I suspect this was a big mistake. The next day the pain was back, and then to my horror a bit of a constipation with hard BMs followed.

I have eaten a predominantly vegan diet for years (at least 5, before that was vegetarian). Over the last few years I put on 5 kilos, assuming it was age related (early 40s) and deciding to stay body positive I didn't think much of it, but did notice the weight was all at my belly which seems bloated a lot. I had a lot of explosive / too soft BMs (sometimes up to 4 or 5 times a day) for a while too, which eventually went away; the hypothesis was that mental health issues had caused that as I didn't change my diet but the BMs got better formed as I was happier. However, my doctor thinks that the stress of that time caused what was first diagnosed as haemorrhoids to appear in the first place.

Fast forward to now - because of the fissure I wanted to make sure everything would flow through me so I focused on a high fibre diet and even cut out bread and other wheat prodcuts which I feel add a lot of bulk to BMs, bulk which I don't want as it increases the girth! I've been eating cooked beans and lentils, vegetables, salad, fruit, oats, psyllium, chia, dried fruit and some nuts (have since read on this forum lots of ppl cut out nuts)!...basically everything recommended for high fibre diet but without the wheat. Oh and prune joice. Maybe I took it too far, but I couldn't find proper guidelines anywhere and the Proctoligist just said 'everyone's different, it's trial and error'. I know that everyone's systems respond very differently to different foods, but there's no room for error with a fissure. So much pressure!

Meanwhile, I have heard people say you can have too much fibre. This was always in the back of my mind and I've been trying to reserach it in the background. Why, when I was eating so much fibre, all the recommended foods, did I get all blocked up?

2 days ago I also started taking Actilax (lactulose 3.3g to 5 mL) at 15 mL 2ce daily. Finally a soft BM this morning and so far only one (yesterday I think I went 3 times and they were all a bit hard).

Meanwhile, I have done more reserach on the fibre situation and am now pretty convinved that no fibre is the go (I read this clinical trial which was published in 2012, however it hasn't been cited many times since then - only 11, but it makes a compelling case for no fibre diet to releieve constipation

Since I feel sure that we should be able to produce a soft and healthy BM without taking laxitives (and I need a long-term option), I'm convinced that there's a diet that could help with that. Eating mostly vegan, I didn't get constipated often, but did have bloating often and hard BMs sometimes and I just want to clear it all up. Today I have eaten white rice, tuna, an egg and some soy milk. Last night I had a banana smoothie with protein powder (no fibre in).

Here's my list of questions, apart from diet it's all the general care stuff:

- Does anyone have experience with a no fibre/ low fibre diet? Any vegetarians?

- Sitz bath: I was using a big plastic tub and sitting in that but it's not super comfortable. I tried the ones that fit over the toilet and found it horrible for my back, also i read you should soak in magnesium up to the hips and that one is kind of just the arse! Anyone found a comfy way of doing sitz bath? Unfortunately I don't have a full size bath to use.

- Coconut oil. The proctologist said to lay off 'in case it interacts with the Rectogesic' - clearly he doesn't know if it does or not, I would be using them at seperate times throughout the day, so many people found coconut oil beneficial, any opinions on this?

- Rectogesic (GTN) safety: I read a claim on a forum somewhere that this causes thinning of the anal walls which leads to the ultimate worsening of fissures. I could not find any research to back up this claim but that doesn't mean it's not a possibility, has anyone head or know anything about this?

- Tumeric - I also read somewhere to mix tumeric and oil, (they said olive, I went with coconut), put it in the fridge and then apply it at night time. I tried it for the first time last night and it was messy! It may have helped with less pain in the morning (I felt pain free when I got up before BM), and less painful BM, but also the lactulose had kicked in so softer BM also helped. Anyone else triend this? I'll use fresh tumeric next time as the powder doesn't have a good texture even in oil and is so messy! I only put it topically and gently though.

- Evening primrose oil - saw it mentioned a few times and wonder if anyone had success using it as a suppository.

I think that's it for me now! I'm sure there'll be more!

Thanks so much.
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Re: Recent fissure - newbie! Trying low fiber diet

Postby Yishai » 05 Feb 2022, 23:41

Hey, hope you've been comping these last couple of weeks. Was on a vegan diet well before my first ever fissure four years ago and have maintained vegetarianism throughout, rarely consuming animal by-products. Only on the most recent flare late November did I reach the point of frustration with inconsistent results from other approaches that I overcame the fear of cutting a ton of my daily fibre intake (quite a lot) and I believe that, in concert with eating a bit less and a daily 1.5x dose of PEG did things change very drastically very quickly. Never had bad constipation but destructively thick stools were a serious issue. I don't think my body loves large amounts of raw veggies, especially crucifers, to which I sometimes subjected it. Slowly reintroducing modest amounts of mostly soluble fibre lately and haven't died yet. Hope something here helps you <3
Fissure 1: Jan. - Mar. 2018 (spontaneous/stomach flu heal)
Fissure 2: Jan. - Apr. 2021 (diet/medical therapy?)
Fissure 3: Nov. - Dec. 2021 (low fibre/PEG)

Ongoing hemorrhoidal/pelvic floor/anal sensitivity issues...
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Re: Recent fissure - newbie! Trying low fiber diet

Postby missy moo » 26 Feb 2022, 00:16

Google medical medium
missy moo
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Re: Recent fissure - newbie! Trying low fiber diet

Postby fissurewoman » 28 Mar 2022, 04:26

Hi Hildy, Yishai,

how are you both doing? Did you find the answers to your questions Hildy? I am also curious about them.

I am also another fissure sufferer here - 30/F. I have two chronic fissures which got reactivated this January. Since then I have been having bloody and hard stools almost every day.
I think my high fibre (especially insoluble) diet is the culprit.
For the fist few weeks, I was taking lactulose upto 100ml per day along with a teaspoon of psyllium husk and still having bloody stools. Then there would be a little peace for 3 or 4 days which would then be accompanied by bloody stool again.
But these past weeks I am having hard BM again, to the point when it got stuck and wouldn't come out. Not just ónce but like 3 times already and I have been in immense pain. :(

I was just checking the forum for diet suggestions and it clicked me that maybe I was eating too much fibre. And about 85% of my meal are vegetables. So yesterday, I cut the fibre to almost half and introduced some salmon. And today morning the BM was not as hard as before. Still a lot of pain but nothing got stuck and I also only noticed very faint blood on the wipe. I am still on the first day of this experiment with lower fibre diet so cannot say much but would be helpful if you could share your experience so far.
Thanks a lot.
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Re: Recent fissure - newbie! Trying low fiber diet

Postby Sisyphus » 12 Apr 2022, 06:02

Hildy wrote:Here's my list of questions, apart from diet it's all the general care stuff:

- Does anyone have experience with a no fibre/ low fibre diet? Any vegetarians?

My diet consists entirely of meat and animal products, excluding all other foods, and this was what allowed my total healing after surgery. I previously tried a high fiber diet and it only made the problem worse.
From three years ago until today, my stools are small and soft; exactly as it should be for a normal human being who eats the most naturally correct type of diet for a human being.
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