fissure too low for lis??

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fissure too low for lis??

Postby normajeanchariot » 29 Sep 2016, 10:48

Hi all,

I spoke with the assistant / office lady of a surgeon yesterday who said that the surgeon will not perform lis if the fissure is too low as it can cause incontinence. Apparently he has never caused someone incontinence from this procedure. Has anyone else every heard of a fissure being too low for lis???
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Re: fissure too low for lis??

Postby Mypoorbutt » 29 Sep 2016, 15:11

Nope never heard of that my surgeon made me have Botox before he will give me LIS as my fissure is too long so it increases the risk of incontinence as they have to make the cut the same length as the fissure. Not sure how it being too low would have an impact though??
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