Hello, I'm new to the forum. I had a bad fissure in 2010, ended up getting LIS in 2011. I was also told that they removed a hemorrhoid. My recovery was very painful but I was feeling much better after a month or so. Had no problems for 6 years. I didn't think about my butt, my BMs etc. Felt normal.
Fast forward to 2017, had a large hardish BM and felt the pain. Since then I've been battling this fissure. I take milk of magnesia every night, which is the only way I've been able to deal with this fissure.
Tried nifedipine a few different times over the years. It's never done anything for me. I don't think I've been offered any other ointment. I was supposed to have botox in 2018 but found out I was pregnant right before I was supposed to have it. Had my daughter 2019. The fissure wasn't bad through my pregnancy and for a few months after. It got more painful so I had botox in 2020.
The botox didn't heal it. Probably helped a little. It also made it so I couldn't hold my BMs for more than about 10 seconds. I had a few embarrassed accidents during the months after botox. After that I pretty much gave up any medical intervention and figured I'll just take milk of mag and hope one day it goes away.
Had another baby in 2022. Again the fissure was there but not too painful during pregnancy. Became much more painful soon after my son was born. I dealt with it and things were manageable until late 2023. Things got super painful for some reason, even though my BMs were soft as usual.
January 2024 I decided I need help. Made an appointment with a CRS. She gave me nifedipine and sent me on my way. Things were up and down after that. At my follow-up 6 weeks later I was offered botox. I scheduled it but knew I would probably cancel. They do it with no anesthesia which I don't like. When I had it in 2020 I was knocked out. Also I really don't want the incontinence issues I had last time, I didn't really like this doctor and I'm concerned about any complications that could make my problem worse than it already is.
I have an appointment with a different CRS in about a week. My pain level is generally really bad now, with a decent day here and there.
So that's my story so far. Just wanted to share with my fellow fissure sufferers. It's a very painful and embarrassing condition, so I'm glad to have a place where others understand. I will update soon.