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Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby buttgirl » 29 Oct 2007, 09:56

How does the pain compare...both can cause sphincter spams, but frankly, I'd take the internal hemmies any day. External hemmies can be as painful as fissures if they thrombose.e
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Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby happyass » 29 Oct 2007, 10:51

i wonder what effect sclerotherapy would have on skin tags???!!!!
if that could vanish the skin tag instead of having it cut off that would be great wouldn't it?
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Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby Guest » 29 Oct 2007, 11:12

That is a good question Gareth.
I think it would be painful as all get out to have an injection there but if it would take care of it it might be worth it. I should ask next time.
I do have a vial of sclerosing agent. Maybe we should pop that baby open and see!!! :D

Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby buttgirl » 29 Oct 2007, 11:18

I don't think that a sclerosing agent would have an effect on the scar tissue, since it is supposed to work my scarring the vein it's injected into and causing it to atrophy, but it never hurts to ask.
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Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby Fissulyna » 29 Oct 2007, 19:27

The very first surgeon that I saw (I totally forgot about that crack head) said without even exam that I most probably have a fissure because hems never hurt that much. Next more painful thing is anal fistula. I call him "bad name" because he gave me 7 days to get better and if not to come back to do STREACHING procedure - I ran for my life even though I could hardly walk that day !!!!! I intuitively knew that something was "fishy" - boy was I right ; )) !!!
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Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby dano » 29 Oct 2007, 21:14

did some mention "fishy"?....anyway,sorry to hear about your recent woes Noelle,hopefully you can get better soon,the suppositores NEVER did a thing for ANY problems ive had,from hemmies years ago,to fissures...i cant believe they still prescribe them, i'd rather have some medicine man shaking a stick at an evil god or something,it would probably work better. i bet if they had a fissure it wouldnt "in thier head"! i hate that,clowns always trying to downplay fissures and the pain and discomfort that accompany them..... Image
p.s. these guys are kinda cool.... :\\|:
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Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby Fissulyna » 29 Oct 2007, 22:04

ha ha ha, sooooooo sorry Dano, oh my , using "fishy" as word to imply for something bad . If it can be of any comfort and a proof that I didn't think about your BEAUTIFUL fish when I said that - my father was GREAT fisherman !!!!! He was "at home" fly fishing as well as with deep salt water hook fishing! He would always have the best catch of a day at any locaiton. He knew "how fish think" and there was no escape for poor flippers : (. My most fond memories of us are from our fishing trips ....
Regarding anal pain and any other pain, as my mom said, no doctor should get any diploma unless he undergoes all procedures and probing in his specialty so he would know how it feels. I don't know how it would go for OB/GYN though, ha ha, but, all others deserve to feel it on their skin. As Lecia said - pain is illness in itself and should be treated as such !!!!! It is scientifically proven that prolonged pain makes permanent changes in brain chemistry. :study:
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Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby Guest » 30 Oct 2007, 21:19

yeah those suppositories seem to make me burn and hurt inside..I called them today and they will do the sigmoid thing on Friday...I just don't know what to think but once I know I don't have cancer I wiill feel better. I really reallly hate the citrate magnesium yuck

Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby dano » 30 Oct 2007, 21:29

now that you mention it,the suppositories did make my rear feel "hot" so to say,guess thats a burning sensation..noelle,i really do feel bad for you.youve already been through so much...i know you can "win" this battle! hopefully sooner than later...
..Fissulyna..,i said that cause all my pics are of me holding some wooden fish i pulled off the wall at the beach,its like a yearly tradition now! but we do actually catch fish sometimes...rarely...actually almost never...
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Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby Fissulyna » 30 Oct 2007, 22:37

haaahahaahaaaaa, oh my, and I was wondering all this time what kind of exotic fish live here, so big and so brightly colored ; ))))))! Well, time for me to get the glasses I guess ; )))))) ! Big ones are usually just nice silver shades, at least in Europe that is the case ; ). You got me there !!!!! ha ha Now get a grip and catch something already ; ), if I could do it as a little GIRL , you guys can certainly do it !!!! Maybe the beer is not such a good lure , ha ha...
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