What is this?? any insights?

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What is this?? any insights?

Postby Guest » 27 Oct 2007, 09:05

Ok...hello to everyone...been on a hiatus..buy anyway yesterday I finalllly went back to my surgeon.. I feel the surgery healed my fissure, but I am still bleeding and stiill hurt when I walk too much or have bm...So he took a look and did a very thorough exam..which hurt really bad..After he told me he couldn't see anything but some small internal hems...He gave me some suppositories and told me if I don't stop bleeding he will do a sigmoid..ive never had one although I should have years ago!!! So does anyone just have general pain in that area from nothing that can be seen to the naked eye?? Or am I just neurotic and it's all in my head-which he made me feel..He did say he would band my hems-but that wont help my pain-so what would be the point????? any iinsight!!! Thanks

Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby Guest » 27 Oct 2007, 09:41

I think you can have pain way past when the trauma is over. That area is very sensitive and complex and quite sophisticated and I think it is very possible and even probable that someone could have pain when there doesn't appear to be any particular reason.
It is not in your head. The nerves could just be misfiring from dealing with the pain for so long. You can develop a type of regional pain complex in the area. It should improve with time though the longer you get past this.

Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby happyass » 27 Oct 2007, 10:35

maybe it is like phantom limb pain....
your fissure is no longer there but your body still plays those nerves for a while until it goes away.
it's like a sixth sense - but a painful one! :-)
if your hemmies are internal then that could be a reason for the bleeding and pain after bm.
i wouldn't be worried and i would seek out what other ways you can treat your hemmies to help them heal too or at least not to aggrevate them.
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Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 27 Oct 2007, 10:37

Hemmorhoids can HURT!
Deleted User 5

Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby Guest » 27 Oct 2007, 20:43

Thanks for your responses..This is pain I think I can tolerate although it iis kind of sore! Really hard to describe but after yesterday's exam im feeling it. I think I will go ahead with the sigmoiid to be safe..but im tired of being called neurotic about this...oh well could be worse thanks again though!!

Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby SunshineHope » 28 Oct 2007, 00:17

This is a little off topic and I'm sorry this may not help very much, but does anyone know how hemmies and fissures compare - pain wise? Is one more painful than the other? Another question, do you lot think that warm/hot soaks would help both fissures AND hemmies heal?
My CRS once said "everyone has hemmies" (actually he said it more than once)! I'm not sure what he meant by that but he seemed pretty serious Image.
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Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby Guest » 28 Oct 2007, 06:50

From What doctors have told me Internal hemmies shouldn't hurt in the sense of a pain like a fissure. They just bleed and cause you to be uncomfortable. Since the internal hemmies are above the dentate line there are much less nerves ending that are likely to cause pain. Unless of course the hemmie had prolapsed or thrombosed. Those can be quite painful.

Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby happyass » 28 Oct 2007, 11:32

i do think hemmys and fissures have different pain symptoms or descriptions.
i can totally feel the difference. and i know where mine is. and mine is on the outside, an external one that is keeping company to the skin tag/sentinle pile or whatever we want to call it. i think i will call them laverne and shirley.
so laverne and shirley aren't as horrible as it was fissure pain. there is no feeling of razor blades passing thru my ass when i had the fissure.
the only time i bleed now is when shirley bursts because i stretched the skin next to the skin tag. laverne sticks around forever although some days she is flat like a pancake and other days she can feel like a little pregnant tick!
and noelle, i would never say you are neurotic. and don't let a doctor say that about you either!
i think after dealing with fissures, we are troopers and on a journey to resolve what our body is trying to tell us.
somewhere there is an answer for all of us.
may we take this pain and turn it into something positive and focus on the really good stuff around us and that we could be in much much worse situations.
here is a big hug to all!
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Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby Guest » 28 Oct 2007, 20:31

I guess I just don't understand why this surgeon doesnt have any insight iinto pain, maybe he hasn't had rectal problems iin his life..I almost wanted to ask what prompted his interest in this field.. I am really unsure but I have decided that I do need to get to the bottom of the bleeding im switching clinics at the end of the year and I don't want to have to go through this whole song and dance over again..Im goiing to do that and lleaves thing be..From what I have read this banding iis extremely painful and won't stop the pain supposedly anyway.. the supposiitories make me feel pain and burning!!

Re: What is this?? any insights?

Postby Guest » 29 Oct 2007, 06:38

I just wanted to say that banding is not painful. There is some discomfort and pressure but it is performed above the dentate line where there are no pain nerve endings. It is such a simple procedure that takes less than a minute to do.
It sounds like it would hurt and I put it off too because is sounded barbaric but I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it if you think it might help!
Sclerotherapy can also help with internal bleeding hemmies. They inject a hardening agent into the vein and it shrinks up.

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