Need Help...Yeast infections in digestive tract

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Need Help...Yeast infections in digestive tract

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2007, 09:00

I'm trying everything to figure out why my health is so poor right now. One of the things that I researched was Candida, or yeast overgrowth in ones digestive tract. A few websites say that an "easy home test" is to take a glass of water (use bottled water not tap water) first thing in the morning before you put anything else in your mouth and spit into the glass. If your siliva sinks or get's stringy within 30 minutes, then there is a fair chance one may have Candida. Ideally, the siliva should float on the top of the water.
I did the test and it indicated that I had it, however, I used my wife as a control (she is perfectly health) and she had the same result as I did. To rule out Candida effecting us different ways, I want to ask if members of the board can conduct this same test and post the results here.
I believe this ties into a recent request of Gareth's and cures suggested on other websites to try Tinactin on the fissure to see if it heals. There are multiple accounts that claim Tinactin healed their fissure. I noticed that alot of the websites about Candida also promote microbiotic diets, by which I know Gareth swears. (Gareth, I may need some good recipies and diet advice soon!)
Could it be that some of us have persistant, unhealing fissures because we have yeast overgrowth in our GI tract and until it's balanced out, we are just fighting a losing battle?
Anyway, if anyone on the board could try out the test and see what they get, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Re: Need Help...Yeast infections in digestive tract

Postby Deleted User 5 » 01 Nov 2007, 09:04

I'll try to remember to do that, Chris, but I am usually so rushed to get to work every morning I know I'll forget. I have bronchitis right now, sputum is pretty compromised, anyway.
Good theory though..
Last edited by Deleted User 5 on 01 Nov 2007, 09:45, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 5

Re: Need Help...Yeast infections in digestive tract

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2007, 09:12

I'm game. I'll try it later tonight.
Probiotics can help control the yeast in your digestive system and keep things in balance.
Let me just see if my taking it has been working....

Re: Need Help...Yeast infections in digestive tract

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2007, 13:58

Thanks for the help Lecia and Kim! :55:

Re: Need Help...Yeast infections in digestive tract

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2007, 17:40

Whoops-I just read this has to be first thing in the morning. I will be a glass out to see if I can remember as I get the kids ready for school.
mom-why are you spitting into that glass? Weirdo! :smurf:

Re: Need Help...Yeast infections in digestive tract

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2007, 18:19

Chris, I went to see a naturopath last year when I also had a yeast/candida problem. It cleared with probiotics, essential fatty acid supplements, and a cleansing supplement that cleaned out my bowels. A naturopath would definitely help you, especially if you're feeling all-around crappy. Good luck!

Re: Need Help...Yeast infections in digestive tract

Postby Guest » 02 Nov 2007, 07:03

Mine was about half stringy and half sitting on the top. I don't know what that means.
I know if I eat too many carbs like pasta or bagels I get an overgrowth of candida so I have cut them out of my diet.

Re: Need Help...Yeast infections in digestive tract

Postby Guest » 03 Nov 2007, 18:00

Thanks Lecia....that's how mine appeared as well.
G - did the bowel clense help with BM tecture?

Re: Need Help...Yeast infections in digestive tract

Postby happyass » 05 Nov 2007, 19:52

this is definitely an interesting post.
i don't know what to make of it.
chris, if you go to whole foods you will find some great probiotic options in tablet form as well as in cereals - my favorite is Kashi's Vive Probiotic Digestive Wellness Cereal - very yummy especially when you mix it up with the Bran Buds.
if you want to try a soy milk - not sure if you have it or not - also get the Eden Blend rice/grain milk.
last but not least, the tablet forms of probiotics that i bought at whole foods were: the 365 brand Simple Digestive Formula for Healthy Digestion and another product called FloraSmart which is an Advanced Probiotic System and comes in individually sealed capsules in packets that you can take along with you.
another great thing to get in the cold section at whole foods is the following brand of miso soup base: Miso Master Organic Traditional Soy Paste and it comes in a couple of varieties. what you do with this to begin your transition, is to have some of your favorite vegetable soup or chicken soup with veggies and/or rice and noodles and when the soup gets hot in the pot, take some of the broth of the soup in a cup and then dilute about 1 tablespoon of the paste in it and then pour it back into the soup and let it mix while you turn the heat off.
it will have a more salty taste but once you do this over a couple of weeks, you will actually feel an improvement. the goal though is to have this for breakfast along with some green tea - kukicha or genmachai.
drink hot tea throughout the day.
you will also find umeboshi plumbs in the asian section at whole foods. you are to eat one a day. eat this after lunch and eat it slowly along with some hot tea.
these are a couple of things to get you going. avoid fried foods. avoid dairy and heavy meats - if you can eat more white fish meat and lean chicken.
brown rice and wheat pasta can be your friends. steamed and slow cooked grains and beans will also be great friends too.
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Re: Need Help...Yeast infections in digestive tract

Postby Guest » 06 Nov 2007, 10:07

Thanks Gareth!
Isn't wheat off the yeast diet though?

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