Newbie in UK

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Newbie in UK

Postby Bliss » 01 Nov 2007, 15:16

Have just found this forum - great site, glad to know I'm not alone !
First suffered from AF when about 7 years old. I remember sitting on the toilet crying and not wanting to go because of the pain. My mum regularly gave me milk of magnesia to make sure things happened.
Since then have had a re occuerence every couple of years but have always managed to heal with over the counter meds & careful diet. But not this time !!
Started in Aug on holiday (change of normal diet etc) caused AF. Really ruined our family holiday.
As soon as I got home I kicked in with my normal self help routine but didn't see any improvement. Then I developed the terrible sphincter cramps which were horrendous when I sat down (which I have to do all day at work) It felt like my anus was trying to crawl up inside my body. This lasted all day & if I woke up a night would stop me going to sleep again.
I went to my GP & told him I had AF, he had a quick look (said it looked sore!) & prescribed 0.4% GTN.
I've been using this 1 week. So far not much improvement, but luckily I don't get the headaches so I'm using it 4 times a day (helps just before a BM)
I'm really regular (1 BM per day about 1/2 hr after I wake) and I'm using Senokot ispaghula husk to keep things soft (seems to be working)
As GP said to apply GTN inside I've been using the mirror to check where I'm poking the stuff (random probing too painful) and from what I can see I've got 2 fissures (posterior & anterior) but no tags etc
Is this an acute or chronic fissure ? I'm only asking because the time / liklehood of conservative treatments working seems to depend on this ?
Also anyone tried slippery elm or reccommend anything else I should take ?
I'm up to 8 nurofens a day !
This is Bliss !
(PS typing sitting on my hot water bottle - seems my best relief, as my kids were getting bored of me spending most evenings in the bath)
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Re: Newbie in UK

Postby buttgirl » 01 Nov 2007, 15:23

I find sitting on a heating pad to be helpful.

I tried slippery elmbark helps to calm down my tummy. didn't help with the anus.

Hard to say if it's acute or chronic. My dr called mine acute even after I had it for 9 mos.

I'm sure lecia will be along soon to tell you about supplements, but I find EFA's helpul (essential fatty acids), as well as non-grain fiber.
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Re: Newbie in UK

Postby Deleted User 5 » 01 Nov 2007, 15:42

Well, I doubt I will tell you anything you don't already know. You mentioned that you started having the AF when you were seven, and have had it on and off again since then. But how long is that? You have kids, so I assume its been a while.
Somehow your anus has been compromised, and I suspect that even if you manage to heal it this time, it is going to recur unless you are very, very, very cautious.
If you do indeed have two fissures, then I can see why your poor shincter is giving you fits. And as long as that is happening, as I'm sure you know, it is going to be very difficult to heal the fissure(s), as there will not be enough blood flow to the fissure site for healing to occur.
Once a fissure lasts from 3-6 months, it is chronic. You are right at the time length where it could be diagnosed as chronic, from what I have read.
I think you need to take 3-4 warm-hot baths a day, get your recommended amount of fiber, and stay with the nitro and give it a chance. If that fails, you might want to consider surgery. I had mine for seven months and finally gave in and had the LIS and voila, no more fissure for me. I have yet to have anyone come on this board and state that they became incontinent as a result of the surgery, while it *is* a possibility, I really feell the fear is overblown.
At some point, if you don't heal, it will become a quality of life issue. Since you seem prone to having them, I think surgery is a great option. You will still perhaps get fissures, but not the spasms. let me also remind you that the hot baths not only provide relief, they bring blood to the fissure site...hint hint, so please don't stop taking them!
Deleted User 5

Re: Newbie in UK

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2007, 17:35

Hi there,
Welcome aboard the AF train here. It sounds like you have been at it longer than anyone and you have an idea of how to treat yourself to manage it. But it does sound like perhaps you might be ready for the next step since you have suffered with it so long and you have two fissures now.
I feel for you. I know it is hard especially with children. My youngest daughter doesn't know any different as her birth brought on my problems so she doesn't know any other mom.
I would stay on the cream for longer. It does take awhile to really assess if it is working. I am glad you aren't getting headaches.
I think fiber and essential fatty acids and probiotics are key to good digestion and the easier passage of stools. Please feel free to look around here at the other threads and holler (that is Southern US speak for "let me know") is you have any questions!

Re: Newbie in UK

Postby Guest » 02 Nov 2007, 04:04

hiya, think im in a similar situation to you,im from the uk too and ive also suffered from this most my life. when i was young sometimes it would hurt and bleed when i went no.2. i thought it was just normal and it would usually heal straight away. it was just someting that happened to me from time to time. became more frequent with puberty though and when i was stressed would last a bit longer. i would get a tear every 1-2 months that would go away in about a week or less.
like you my most recent tear is having trouble healing had it for over a month now, its starting to get better but thats probably coz im bearly eating and when i do its mainly just fruit and veg, plus im eation punes/juice and taking Dulcoease, its a stool softener but i think im getting ammune to it my no 2's are getting harder again, when i 1st started they were really soft and its not for long tearm use. maybe il try senokot. the doctors here are crap ive been twice and they just say its nothing. nice to know im not alone in having this so long!

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