I'm back with good and bad news

Discuss changes in diet that have helped you manage your fissure, or any supplements or medications/creams that have been effective.

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Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby juney » 07 Nov 2007, 15:31

it's sad that we've all had to alter our diets so much, cutting out a lot of the things we used to love pre-fissure. i used to love a big cheeseburger and fries. now i don't eat meat and i wouldn't touch french fries with a 10 ft pole.
my dr actually said it seems like i'm obsessing too much over what i eat. he said "it won't really make a difference as long as you take your stool softeners." HA. i almost screamed at him! as if all it takes for things to heal quicker is a stupid stool softener. i don't think most dr's realize the lengths we go to to get thru each day.
my fissure now is still painful (mostly after BM), but like you said G, it's not a huge deal anymore. i've learned to live with it and to manage the pain (which isn't at all excruciating)..it's just the fact that i'm STILL having pain at all and that this thing won't completely heal. that's what's annoying. at 25, i can't imagine living the rest of my life like this, even if it is tolerable for now.
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Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby buttgirl » 08 Nov 2007, 10:44

G--I think I am experienceing the smae thing as you. I finally figured out that the surgery (abscess drainage) gave me two roids, I presume from the swelling. It took several months for the incision to heal. Now that it has, I am having problems with the roids, especially the hemmie turned fissure, and with continuing inflammation. I'm not sure what to do about this. Soemtimes the area just burns, not the entire canal but an inch in either direction of the surgical site. I wonder what is causing this--it's not related to my diet as I can eat the same thing two days and one day I'll burn, the other I won't. Go figure.

Anyone have any ideas???
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Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Guest » 08 Nov 2007, 11:15

Are they big enough to be banded or do sclerotherapy on?
I think hemorrhoids are always in flux.
Are you still using suppositories?

Are the enzymes making a difference? I find that Japanese Plum or Stone root helps. It is in the Sit Easy herbal blend I take.
I also take garlic every day to help prevent thrombosed hemmies.

My daughter just got back from school. I'll see if i can think of anything else.

Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby buttgirl » 08 Nov 2007, 12:43

Hi Lecia,

thanks. my CRS doesn't want to poke around in there with anything begger than a child sized anuscope which prevents him from banding the hemmies. He said wait 6 mos then we'll try again. ARGH!!

Right now, I am more suffering from the inflammation of the scar. (the hemmies don't hurt today.) I can even see the inflammation down to the cut on the skin tag---I wonder if it's something I ate...
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Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Guest » 08 Nov 2007, 12:50

Wow, I can't believe I'm not alone in dealing with non-specific pain that comes and goes randomly. One surgeon at the clinic even told me, a few months ago, that this is just "the cross you'll have to bear". WHAT?
It took a long time for my LIS incision to heal too, and on bad days it still chafes (my LIS surgery was Dec 8 last year). In fact this newest fissure is in exactly the same spot, so it may have re-opened a little. Some days I eat an exemplary diet and I have pain/bleeding. A few times I had pizza or other foods on the "avoid list", and I'm ok the next day. This thing doesn't even have a pattern, so I can totally sympathize with you ladies. I'm 25 too and I'm a slave to All Bran; what's it going to be like when I'm 80??
At this point I think my frustration outweighs the pain. That's prolly the anxiety that my doctor is talking about. Maybe I'm a lot more stressed abuut this than I was willing to admit. I just... want a break, you know? Give me a break, bum.

Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Guest » 08 Nov 2007, 13:12

I really think doctors, unless they have had anal conditions, can not sympathize with us. I saw one surgeon when I had hemorrhoids who had the surgery himself and he could relate to what I was going through but other than that I have been made to feel like I was just depressed and that was why I was in pain. Of course I was depressed, I was in pain 24/7.

I don't think this is a cross you will have to bear for the rest of your life, G. You are young, which is great-your body will heal more quickly and you will bounce back from this. It is just taking a long time and if I had to deal with this at your age I would be very angry and frustrated. (not that it is great at 37 though). I am getting worried about menopause and how this is going to affect all of that. My husband's grandmother had a fissure when she was about my age and said it was the most painful thing she has had to endure. She had the surgery and said that she did recover and she is a very active 90 year old now. So there is hope for us.

I wonder if there is some neuropathy coinciding with everyone. The doctor says you should be fine and there may not even be anything that looks like it should hurt but the nerves can still be firing from the injury. I find tricking the nerves helps. If I take a hot bath or shower and let the water hit down there, the nerves take in the heat and don't register pain as much. But nerve injury can take a very long time to recover from if that is what it is. It is like watching grass grow.

Taking extra b vitamins and alpha lipoic acid helps with nerve function.

Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Fissulyna » 08 Nov 2007, 14:17

Oh, tell me about insensitive doctors >; / !!! One of the CRS (who is concedered "THE BEST" butt doc in the area) told me with a smile on his face that regardless of LIS I will have to live with this to the rest of my life and that fissure is worse than a cancer because it is extremely hard to treat or heal ... I was completely dazed and didn't let him even examine me- just left the office and was thinking "should I kill myself now or later" :( !?! He did more psychological damage to me than this condition alone....
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Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby juney » 08 Nov 2007, 14:58

it's pretty discouraging to me, knowing that others have seen dr's who said it's basically hopeless trying to heal a fissure. my gynecologist told me only about 50% of LIS surgeries are "successful", and the rest of people have to deal with it for the rest of their life. after 1 year of trying EVERYTHING including 2 surgeries, i'm beginning to feel like i'm one of those people.
at 25, i cannot bear the thought of dealing with this for 50 more years!!! there have been many days when i really did think it would be better to die than have to live with this any longer. like G said, pain aside, the frustration is almost harder to deal with. what are we gonna do in our 70s when we're already living on supplements, prunes, and bran cereal in our 20s?!
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Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Fissulyna » 08 Nov 2007, 15:15

Juney baby, I just put him as an example how "twisted" they can be !!!!! Every study I red said that LIS cures fissure in almost 100%!!! My other CRS told me that in his experience 98% heal completely, and that the rest although still have it do not have even close of the discomfort as they do without the LIS, the pain is always gone even if fissure stays ! That means that those 2 % may occasionally have some blood down there or some itch during BM and thats all !!! Healing the F is another matter - it takes time !LIS just helps it heal completely but OVER TIME - we are talking months here ! So, just forget the first one - he was obviously mad at his wife that day so decided to take it out to first good looking female he sees that day @#$%%$@#$@!!!!!
JUST FORGOT ABOUT HIM !!!!! I needed about 3 days though until I decided that he is just an ...well ...can't use bad words on the forum, lets say "poop exit hole".
AND, believe me, with all those medical advances today - they will be able to grow new anuses for you when you reach 70 ; ))) _ I will be gone though - pushing daisies ; ))) !!!
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Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Guest » 08 Nov 2007, 15:24

There are doctors who do sphincter replacement surgeries!

I hear your frustration. I have mentioned this before but I have asked two doctors do perform a colostomy on me before I was in so much pain. And I worry too as I age what will happen. But you have youth on your side. And you are better.

Your bad days now are like your good days used to be. (That is what Kim told me once on the board and it helped a lot). I have to remind myself too of this.

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