I'm back with good and bad news

Discuss changes in diet that have helped you manage your fissure, or any supplements or medications/creams that have been effective.

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I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2007, 17:49

Hi everyone!
I know it's been forever since I've posted on here, please forgive me!! I hope that those of you who I've met before have finally healed and moved on.
For those who don't know me, I was on here quite often last winter/spring and my story is somewhere under the surgery heading. I went in for LIS and a dilation and my fissure didn't heal. I still have a fissure today. It healed at some point in the early summer, but I still had irritation and the fissure has reappeared for some reason. I don't exactly know why.
I go to the Rudd clinic in Toronto Ontario (Canada) for treatment and I've seen 4 different doctors there. I'm currently seeing a senior surgeon, who told me 2 months ago that the fissure was there, albeit very small and "nothing to write home about". After going through two procedures this guy tells me to watch my diet and eat All Bran daily. And come back this upcoming Monday. That's it.
In the meantime I have been seeing a traditional chinese doctor for a separate issue. I have mild rosacea so she has been treating my skin with cooling and blood-circulating herbs. She has explained to me that rosacea is the external manifestation of internal inflammation that is trapped inside my digestive system. I revealed to her that I had fissure problems too and she says that it's another sign that I have an inflammatory condition. This makes a whole lot of sense to me. The treatment for the rosacea is slow but progressive, but the best part is this: she gave me a powder, made of cooling herbs, to apply to the anus before going to bed, preferably after a shower while the area is still damp.
My friends, this powder is MAGIC. Within 2 days, I had no pain and no bleeding. NONE. I used it for a whole week last week and it was wonderful. Trouble is, when you stop using it, the pain/bleeding returns. The doctor says this is because the internal inflammation is still there and that until the inside is treated, the outside will continue to suffer. The herbs I take for rosacea, she says, will help take out that inflammation. A non-acidic, high-fibre diet does the rest.
If any of you are interested in seeing this TCM doctor in Toronto, her name is Adina Stanescu. Just goggle her name and you'll find her website. As for the Rudd clinic, I don't know what they can do for me anymore. I'm not convinced another surgery will help and I want to avoid it if I can.
For those of you who have been to the Rudd clinic, what do you think? Which doctor did you see? Have they been helpful? Let me know, I'd really appreciate someone else's point of view!!!
Anyway I hope to post here more often now that I'm married and settled into my new job. Gareth and Cheryl, are you still around?
Good night,

Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Deleted User 5 » 01 Nov 2007, 17:54

G, I have mild rosacea, too. What is that herb? I could order it online. Maybe (no Chinese traditionalists around these parts!!)
Deleted User 5

Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2007, 18:01

Hi Kim, nice to meet you!!
The herbs I take are in pill form, and they're pretty extensive combinations of various herbs, so I couldn't tell you for sure what they are and how to order them... I'm very sorry.
What have you done to deal with your rosacea? Are you on a specific diet? I wonder how many people on here also have rosacea... it wouldn't surprise me at all if there were many given the inflammatory root of the problems!

Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Deleted User 5 » 01 Nov 2007, 18:05

Hey G. You have met me before (here).
Remember Hugh? Certain people egged me out of my alias, now I am completely public.
You HAVE been gone a while!!
My rosacea comes and goes and I have never really done anything with it. It has flared up recently, though. I kinda figured the Chinese docs had their own private proprietary blends... I"m very fair-skinned and I have noticed if I am dehydrated, it gets much worse. I drink water, and it gets better...
Deleted User 5

Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2007, 18:08

OH HUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! HI!!!!! That's hilarious, I totally didn't know it was you.
Nice to see you again!
Yeah my rosacea is pretty much always around in various degrees. Much better if I avoid sugar and heavy starches. Much better with the herbs too.
How's the fissure? Did you ever go in for surgery?

Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Deleted User 5 » 01 Nov 2007, 18:11

Yes, I'm all healed. I guess it worked for me, I am so upset it didn't take for you, but tell me, do you at least have no more spasms, or did you ever have them? I cannot remember...
I do avoid sugar, but I get starches. Maybe I'll lay back on them, too. But I am so thin, i need to eat something!!
Deleted User 5

Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2007, 18:16

Yes, please eat!
I'm so glad you're healed. How did you do it? Just good old LIS? Do you still react to acidic foods?
I don't know if I had spasms. If I did, it was probably at the very beginning during the most painful times. I'm not in much pain now. I get some scraping/burning/the tiniest bit of blood with BMs but nothing terrible. It just annoys me more than anything, because it won't heal completely and I don't know why.

Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Deleted User 5 » 01 Nov 2007, 19:20

Well, the LIS cut your sphincter, so that explains why yur fissure, even though not healed, is small and "nothing to write home about," as your DR. put it. I think that even though problems remain, the LIS has at least set you up for better healing.
Yes, all it took was the LIS to heal me, as it does for so many. In four weeks I was strong again, and all my "fissure" pain ended the day I had the surgery, because it was the spasms that caused me 99% of my pain. I did have residual pain from the surgery for a couple weeks. But my fissure ordeal was basically over the day I had the surgery.
Deleted User 5

Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby Guest » 02 Nov 2007, 07:13

Hi G,
I think you were getting off the board around the same time I was starting to post as we never did get a chance to post to each other but I remember reading your story when I came aboard. Congratulations on your marriage! :45:
That sounds so interesting about the chinese herbs. I think there are basic formulas that most TCM doctors use. I get mine from www.activeherbs.com. This site was recommended to my Gareth. I take the Qivive to raise Qi since it was prescribed as I am having some weakness in the spleen and problems with organ prolapse. I also took a formula that is good for hemorrhoids. I don't remember the name of it but you can get it from the same company. I can look it up if anyone needs it. Gareth uses it too.
I know that you don't want to be on more than 1 formulation at a time as it does different things, warming, cooling, etc.
Anyway, sorry to hear you are still having issues with your fissure.

Re: I'm back with good and bad news

Postby buttgirl » 02 Nov 2007, 09:48


this is an interesting thread. I too have rosacea. I have got it under control with some cosmetics, but i still get the inflammatory rash occasionally, especially around that time of month.

I think that settls it for me TCM it is--I'll give it a try.
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