Post surgery question

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Post surgery question

Postby Guest » 03 Nov 2007, 07:28

Its been 6 weeks since my sphincterectomy and skin tag removal. I was feeling pretty good until I went to the gym for the first time the other day and walked 2 miles on the treadmill. Ufterwards, my rectum was aching in the area of the surgery. Couple of days later I bled alittle after a BM for the first time in 4 weeks. Has anyone experienced similar issues. Don't quite understand how walking long distances after the surgery can aggravate things. Am I aggravating the incision or the muscle or what. Surgeon was surprised that I am still hurting. The skin tag area is also very sore still. seems like sitting aggravates the area where the skin tag was removed. I would have thought it would have been healed by now.

Re: Post surgery question

Postby Deleted User 5 » 03 Nov 2007, 08:04

The bleeding can happen, regardless of the exercise. I still saw a bit of pink stain on the tp, from time to time, even after four months. But it's been a year almost now, and I haven't seen any blood for a long time.
Fissures can be very persitent in their presence, even if they are mostly healed. People who say they heal from a fissure, only to have "another" one appear a year or so later, are probably simply seeing the old one rear it's very ugly head. The anal membranes are compromised, and for a few, they may always be.
Long walks and treadmill exercise would seem to me to be a very iffy proposition for a healing fissure. Even though the primary healing can occur in 6-8 weeks, the thing doesn't really stop showing itself until six months or more.
I can't speak much for the healing of the LIS incision. It is very possibly you irritated it. I'd go easy on the exercise for a few months, if you can.
Deleted User 5

Re: Post surgery question

Postby Guest » 03 Nov 2007, 08:41

I can totally see how exercise could affect it from friction and your PC muscles have to work harder even though we don't notice it. I am not saying not to exercise but you may want to ease back into it.
I get a bit miffed when doctors seemed surprised when we are still in pain after the "textbook" says we should not be. That area is so hypersensitive that it takes a good while to heal from any kind of trauma there. The LIS does not heal the fissure so you still have that, the incision and the wound from the skin tag being taken off. As long as your pain is decreasing over time I think that is what we need to focus on. You'll get there!

Re: Post surgery question

Postby Guest » 04 Nov 2007, 18:36

Excercise can really aggravate me too. I use to walk 3 -5 miles a day I can't wait til I can ride my bike agian. I still have bleeding but my Botox has worn off. I attribute my bleeding to a sizable BM. I have another shot coming up on 11/7/07. The LIS will be my next step. I hope I don't have to do it, but at least I will have you guys to talk to.
Take Care

Re: Post surgery question

Postby Deleted User 5 » 04 Nov 2007, 19:05

We'll be right here, Patty! Just like Gareth and Cheryl and others were there for me! Believe me, I *do* recall how important it was to be able to share that experience when I went through it! It made all the difference.
Deleted User 5

Re: Post surgery question

Postby Fissulyna » 05 Nov 2007, 00:42

Kim, tonight I am in much of pain : (. Thoughts about LIS and possible relief give me only comfort. I am preparing psychologically for that possibility , but would like to be prepared in practical aspects too. can you please briefly tell me what were you exactly eating during your recovery period and what and how much stool softener were you using and for how long . Also, what you used as pain relief ?
Thanks buddy a lot in advance ... :arwen: :(
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Re: Post surgery question

Postby juney » 05 Nov 2007, 20:41

i was still in pain 6 weeks after my first LIS and i definitely worried too. now, almost 6 weeks after my second LIS i am still feeling some pain. i can only say that it takes a LONG TIME TO HEAL FROM LIS. i have hope that i'm still healing even after what seems like a long time. i'll see my doctor next week and i'm sure he'll say "you should be healed by now" but you can't let the doctor's time frames worry you. as long as you feel like you're making progress since BEFORE the LIS, that's what matters. i think walking 2 miles on the treadmill is bound to cause some irritation. i wouldn't even consider doing that now, so you must be making progress after surgery! just hang in there, be patient with your body, and keep up your routine. that's all both of us can do :)
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Re: Post surgery question

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Nov 2007, 19:38

Juney, is pain from LIS different from fissure pain and spasms? Is it more tolerable ? Does your fissure ever feels like "passing shredded glass " after BM ? I am asking because i am considering LIS more and more, but is it at lest going to bring me ANY relief regarding F itself ?
Thanks !!!!
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Re: Post surgery question

Postby juney » 07 Nov 2007, 13:08

i never had spasms, that i was aware of anyway. it's just a raw feeling down there after BM, and a sharp pain when i take the pressure off (as in, standing after sitting). This type of pain has stayed the same before and after LIS, although it's lessened in duration and intensity. I think this is because what's left of the fissure is mostly external now, which is why i still feel it. it doesn't seem to hurt inside. but that's just my speculation. i see the dr again next week.
It's kind of difficult to explain my fissure pain. because it seems different to what other people have experienced. Kim, for instance, never had pain again after LIS. So it depends on what type of pain your fissure is causing in the first place. My doctor did confirm that nothing else was going on besides a normal fissure when he was in there doing the LIS though.

i only occassionally have the "passing glass" feeling when going to the bathroom, but that has definitely improved and doesn't hurt much as long as my stool is soft. i first got this fissure in July 2006 and everytime i went to the bathroom then i thought i was going to pass out from the pain.
the overall pain has definitely gotten better after 2 LIS surgeries I THINK. but i am still taking hot baths everyday and using ibuprofen so i can't really tell how much progress i've made. i'm still not "normal", but i think my situation and story is kind of an exception. there's no harm in giving LIS a try, in most instances it will IMPROVE your situation!
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Re: Post surgery question

Postby Fissulyna » 07 Nov 2007, 22:16

Oh Juney :(, I am so sorry to hear that even after 2 LIS you are still in pain - just not fair !!!!!!! With my luck, you know, I wouldn't be surprised to have long recovery either , that is why I am waiting with LIS - my last hope :(. This way at least I can imagine that one day i will have LIS and be somewhat normal - since it looks that after you once have F, you are never like before. Nobody is eating what they used to eat or are free of stool softeners - at least of what I red so far.
But, at least you are better than at the beginning !!! AND you survived 2 surgeries without any complications - that is a big deal ; )))))) !!! Just take it easy, don't push yourself to heal faster than your body is feeling comfortable with. Ibuprofen, no ibuprofen, it doesn't mater as long as you can have some time without the pain and have some fun ! I have three things going on - spasm pain, passing glass pain, and general irritation of the skin an the whole anal area - something like combo of pain, heat, prickling, and little bit of itch.
By looking at it I can't see anything wrong - nice pink color, even tags are smaller than they used to be at the beginning of this ordeal. I can't even take Ibuprofen because my stomach hurts so I take Relafen which is anti inflamatory but not good pain reliever : (. So, I take Tylenol which is almost useless. Lecia was so kind to suggest Ultram for pain but it can not be combined with my other meds and ...yeah...I am stuck with pain ...
I wish you great and COMPLETE recovery and thank you so much for finding time to write me! Image
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