Healing? Help!

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Re: Healing? Help!

Postby happyass » 06 Nov 2007, 10:09

maybe then you are dealing with something aside from a fissure.
just curious if you have had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy?
i would say what is bleeding that is not causing pain but discomfort may sound like a hemmy or skin tag/sentinle pile bursting.
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Re: Healing? Help!

Postby Guest » 06 Nov 2007, 10:15

I've had both and both were negative. I do suffer from internal hemmies so maybe they are playing a role in all this. Thankfully someone cancelled so I can see my CRS tomorrow. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Re: Healing? Help!

Postby happyass » 06 Nov 2007, 10:18

good luck sweetie! :footmsa:
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Re: Healing? Help!

Postby Guest » 06 Nov 2007, 10:29

I think botox can irritate hemmies so maybe that is what is going on!

Re: Healing? Help!

Postby buttgirl » 06 Nov 2007, 10:52

perhaps Lecia's right. One of my botox shots did irritate a hemmie, an external one, but I assumed that was because the dr basically shot me in the hemmie.

I don't mix the MOM and the mineral oil. I take them on completely separate days. I try to stick with the mineral oil, until I notice a few days where the bms are harder than they should be. then I switch to MOM for a couple of days and that seems to clear up the problem. I tend to feel safer with the mineral oil because the mineral oil just mixes with the poo and doesn't do anything else weird to my intestines. It's lilke eating too much of those chips made with olestra. Also, I take my vitamins in the morning and the mineral oil at night to help avoid that fat soluble vitamins problem. I think it is a standard in the UK for treatment of chronic constipation, only it's called liquid paraffin there.
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Re: Healing? Help!

Postby Deleted User 5 » 06 Nov 2007, 11:23

As I recall, I just stayed with my diet, lots of fruits and veggies and little meat, and I took two colace in the AM and two in the PM. I avoided all sweets and junk food, like I still do pretty much. I have really stayed on the AF diet ever since, because I like not being fat!!
During my healing time, I ate one or two pomegranates every day, along with an apple and a banana at some point in the day. The pomegranates really give me good stools. And they are in season now, I am still eating them everyday!
Deleted User 5

Re: Healing? Help!

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Nov 2007, 13:21

Hey Kimbo :),
Thanks so much for the info : ))) !!!!! Guess what ?!? Poms are one of my favrite fruits since i was a child ! I even planted small tree this spring when we moved to a new house and it gave me 2 nice size fruits but I was afraid to eat them thinking that little pits might be "scratchy" in a poo :(, so i was looking at them in sorrow on my counter as they wilted over time , getting brown , than leathery ...than :( getting mushy spots and was crying over my fate and unfairness of the life on this planet and thought about Universe and its vastness and how stars were born just to die as well... Oh, where was I, oh yes - thank you for finding time to write to me ! So, you never used any other stool softener than Colace ? Did you cook your veggies or it did not matter to you? What meat did you eat ? Any bread or pasta allowed? As you see - I am still trying to balance my diet somehow, to keep it soft but still EAT something. I don't like being THIS thin ; ) !!!!
How are you doing those days? I hope we girls did not gross you out with our tampon stories...
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Re: Healing? Help!

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Nov 2007, 13:36

Oh ..forgot. of course when I blab too much - sorry : ( ... Can you give me exact
menu of today ; )- pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase !!!
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Re: Healing? Help!

Postby Guest » 08 Nov 2007, 10:45

Calmed down a bit since I got to see my CRS. To my surprise he said the fissure looked better and that I was healing nicely. Basically said to continue what I was doing and come back in a month to review progress. He also suggest that I continue the using Nifedipine while on the Botox. He said it can only help. Hey if it helps heal me, I'm all for it.
Thank you all for the support.
I have to go to Buffalo and Syracuse this weekend for a couple of gigis. I've got a 7 hour drive home from Buffalo. Wish me luck!

Re: Healing? Help!

Postby buttgirl » 08 Nov 2007, 10:47

good to hear you're healing. good luck with the drive. Bring your heating pad (you can buy an adapter at radio shack so you can plug in and sit on the pad while you drive). It's saved me on many a long drive.
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