good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby juney » 09 Nov 2007, 10:23

dano, you're hilarious! i think you summed my life up perfectly too - "non stop pants dropping carnival". and in the worst of ways!!! having a fissure really does away with any concept of modesty. especially when you go in for surgery and see the get up they're gonna strap you into....AHHHHH thank god for anaesthesia!!!
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Fissulyna » 09 Nov 2007, 14:23

Buenas dias amigoooo : ))) !!!!! Te kiera your costumo MUCHO GRANDE !!!!! Where is Tequila though ?? ; )))) Ha ha haa, you look GREAT there - LOOK - you can sit on hard surface with no problem - HEY, in my opinion you are cured - so AAaaaaaaa-men ! Your post is sooooooo god, I can't stop laughing and looking at you there and "seeing" Pope looking at your bums - well, who knows ; )))), with all those stories lately about priests , maybe you will make his day : )))! God forgive me, no wonder I have fissure , ha ha ha.
Lecia and Juney , ha ha, I also sometimes think that my CRS s recognize me by my butt - only after exam they start real convo ; ) !
Wish you all great day today and always :lol!: :arwen:
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Guest » 09 Nov 2007, 14:32

Maybe we can get the Pope to bless our butts and get healed!

Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Fissulyna » 09 Nov 2007, 14:56

ahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!! GREAT idea ! : )))) How about we all go to Jerusalem and jump in to Jordan river and have special cleansing baptismal ritual for our bums !!! Oh, or we can go to France and soak in mineral spas. Ganges river is ready to take our sorrows too - boy, we have so many unexplored options ; )))) ! Dalai Lama can send us some special chants - I am sure Richard Ghear does not have a F !!!!! Oh - where we should start ????? : ))))) Image
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Deleted User 5 » 09 Nov 2007, 15:03

I'd opt for the mineral springs in Francais!
Deleted User 5

Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Fissulyna » 09 Nov 2007, 15:30

O-ho-hooo, we are in ze mood for some frenchy -french stuff : ), he heee. OK, KIm is going to need to buy a thong or at least a speedo - since nothing else is worn in the Europe . In the spas I am sure they go " eu naturall" , so : ))), still in the mood for the France ; ) ???
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Deleted User 5 » 09 Nov 2007, 16:14

Er, maybe NOT! I think I'd scare away all ze tourists!!!
Deleted User 5

Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby buttgirl » 09 Nov 2007, 16:55

I'd chance it for a good soak in the springs. Although, at this point, I don't think as thongs would be a smart move for me. I'd have to go au natural.
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Fissulyna » 09 Nov 2007, 18:43

KIM, ARE you kidding me ????? EVERYBODY is wearing those there , girls go topless !!! People of all sizes and ages - people do not obsess about looks like here - I mean - WHO IS PERFECT ????? Women are always considered beautiful in some or other way, no matter age or size and man - oh well - as long as they are MAN ; )))) and know how to treat a woman.Here all is upside -down ?!? AND what is that you think is wrong with you - if I may ask ??? You silly ........
BUTTGIRL, thong will be thing of the past for me too :(, had to empty my whole drawer to make place for cotton granny panties - oh well - naturelle for me too :)!!!
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Guest » 09 Nov 2007, 20:00

Yes, things are much different over there. When I am in France or Germany I dont' mind going topless but here you really have to have perfect body. I never felt gawked at or uncomfortable in Europe. But here just wearing a bathing suit I feel scrutinized.

Yes, I am sure Kim would have nothing to worry about!

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