good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Fissulyna » 09 Nov 2007, 20:34

Isn't that sad Lecia - I feel so sorry for girls here , so many cases of anorexia and other eating disorders, just horrible !!!! I have 2 teen daughters, JUST BEAUTIFUL girls , I mean could be models but both have low self esteem ????!!!!??? I am horrified as a mother !!! I can only imagine what teasing normal girls have to endure than ? STUPID media and upside down values - I feel so sorry for todays youth in many other aspects too. Whats up with"being popular " for example ? AND - the most popular is at the same time the most HATED ??? OK, this is off the topic , sorry, got carried away ; ), as always... So France it is !!!!!!!!!
XOXOOOOOOOoooooo..... :cheer:
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Guest » 09 Nov 2007, 21:06

I have two daughters-one 4, the other soon to turn 10 and I worry so about the teen years. I see so many girls whose self esteem seems to take a nose dive during middle school. It is heartbreaking.

I had an eating disorder as a teen-college so I am doing my best to make sure that they do not focus on their physical appearance as much or spend much time thinking about it and looking for early signs. I never comment on weight, compare people, point out physical attributes but focus on internal characteristics. And pray.

In a way I think not being popular can be a blessing in disguise. You learn to form your own opinions and how to be by yourself and do things on your own without feeling like you have to have acceptance and approval. And by the time you get in college no one cares what you did in High school. It is a great equalizer.

Yes, I digress too!

Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby dano » 10 Nov 2007, 16:27

yea,lecia,i was a marichi singer,i couldnt find my green sequence vest though,that looks nice with the green sequence sombraro,ive been looking for cheap green or red cowboy boots,no luck though...
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