good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

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good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby dano » 05 Nov 2007, 22:42

got back today from my appt.GOOD news is fissure is totally healed,which i figured,he says that looks really good.BAD news is that i have a "small" fistula,didnt know they were sizable,i figured a a fistula, he claims it wont heal unless i get it worked on,but since mine is relatively small,it shouldnt be a big deal,i remember reading bout them on here,sounds like it sucks! but he tells me get it done now BEFORE it abcesses,then it really wont be fun! also he says there is a sentinal pile present.oh yea,get this the surgens name is DR.HURTT!! im not kidding!he tells me this guy does this stuff in his sleep?? hope hes not sleeping when i go!
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Guest » 06 Nov 2007, 08:06

Ah, man! Well, congrats on the good news but that stinks you have a fistula now. There are a few of us who have had this and will be able to give you some advice and commiserate with you!

You have got to be kidding about his name!! That is hilarious. I had to read that sentence over again. Are you sure you want to see this guy? Image

How has your pain been?

Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby happyass » 06 Nov 2007, 10:05

hi dano,

well at least you don't have a horseshoe fistula!!! :shock: :pale:

that would be a real pain in the butt to deal with and heal - of course, i am not talking from experience but once i discovered that there was such a thing after i was diagnosed with a fistula of my own, i jumped right into macrobiotics.

the funny thing is that i don't think i really had a fistula because they can only be dealt with surgically. and if i really had one, then the CRS would have confirmed it with the colonoscopy. i was booked for an LIS + fistulotomy+colonoscopy. but after a month of diving into macro, the LIS and fistulotomy were cancelled and everything looked good. even the CRS couldn't believe it.

anyway, if i really had a fistula, then God is the only one who healed me from it.

so with that said, i would recommend getting a second opinion on the fistula before anyone needs to do anything down there as i truly believe that even as good as my CRS was in diagnosing it, even he made a mistake.

congrats on healing the fissure! one of the consequences of having the fissure is a fistula and a sentinle pile.

my sentinle pile, laverne, is hanging around but she has been very good! she says hello! Image
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby buttgirl » 06 Nov 2007, 10:40

congrats dano. I did have an abscess and the surgery was really awful, even though I supposedly had a small abscess. the dr cut me from the outside the length of the anal canal to down to the muscle. I'm afraid what they would do to a big one. So my advice is get the operation ASAP. An abscess is so much worse and very painful before and after.

If I were you I'd ASK FOR A FISTULA PLUG. It's basically a antibacterial sponge that disolves in your body. they thread it through the fistula and then sew each end shut. I was hoping and praying for one when I knew I had a problem in the area, but low-and-behold, there is no abscess plug :(

A traditional fisulotomy involves splaying open the fistula, so it can heal from the inside.

A horseshoe fistula basically rings the anus and has several outlets. They would heartily suck
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Nov 2007, 12:20

Oh Dano...Don't know what to say. Congrats on your healing of the fissure - it is a BIG accomplishment : ))), and you did it in what -4 months ?!? Now, I believe that if your body was strong enough to get rid of that F nightmare in such a short time - it will definitely be able to heal fast from fistula sucker too : ))) !!!!! It is small, as your CRS said and I am sure it will be gone in no time with proper treatment. Yes, ha ha, his name is hilarious, but he obviously is very thorough with exams, some people had to convince their doc.s that they actually have one
: (. You might want to ask for the second opinion, just to be reassured what the best next step would be. AND, after hooking all those poor fish, karma came back to hunt us my friend ; ))) !!!!
All the best and good luck :arwen:
PS: My doctors name is Million - ha ha, with so many people with butt problems i am sure she is making MILLIONS Image
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Guest » 06 Nov 2007, 12:27

My CRS's name was Mirth. I thought that was funny since I could hardly see much cause for mirth at the time.

Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Nov 2007, 12:47

ha ha haaaaaaaa : ))) !!!!! But - you have some "mirth" now ! XOXOoooo...
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby dano » 06 Nov 2007, 21:07

i go to the crs fora "consultation" next thursday,he will look around im sure before he goes cutting..Fissulyna,ive been fighting this since last october,but it was about 3-4 months on different % nitro creams...happyass,i def dont have a horseshoe fistula,mines like a smalllump that swells then it will leak a little when you squeeze it,only time it hurts is when you fool with it,souns like if i have this fixed he will tend to whatever else is going on down there.
he did mention the fissure was totally healed and looks great,he was really "prying" around in there,so if it was partially healed,he would have shredded any progress i made,like last time i was there Image
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby dano » 06 Nov 2007, 21:09

oh yea,his name really is HURTT...with 2 t's..!! :lol!:
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Re: good news,bad news with my dr appointment...

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Nov 2007, 21:27

Dano boy, hang in there !!! WOW, since LAST October ???? I would go nuts, thats for sure ! So congrats on your patience and courage ! Did you put your Nitro outside or inside or both ??? My CRS told me to put it outside... She upped it up now to 0.4% + I have to use Ca blocker too. I really hope that your doc. didn't hurt your fissure - i mean, I would kill the man in your place ! Oh, even better - give him a fissure too ; )))) !!!!! That is even worse revenge ; ) ! Did you use any stool softener too during healing ? I am using mostly Metamucil and mineral oil but would like to try something else. Lecia and Kimbo gave me their tips and i am very grateful.
All the best :cheer:
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