the size of your poop

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Re: the size of your poop

Postby Fissulyna » 07 Nov 2007, 18:21

LOVE YOUR CAT !!!!! My fav. - tuxedo : ))))) !!!!!
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Re: the size of your poop

Postby buttgirl » 08 Nov 2007, 10:31

I'm usually done pretty quickly, but then I have to do the sitz bath. the actual bm takes maybe a minute. soaking, etc takes another 19 min. So the entire experience lasts about 20 min.
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Re: the size of your poop

Postby Guest » 08 Nov 2007, 11:11

Does anyone here take 5 minutes or more?

Re: the size of your poop

Postby Deleted User 5 » 08 Nov 2007, 11:25

I can take more than five minutes. Even now. But I have always been like that.
My poop is usually about the size of a small banana or plantain. If I eat something like vegetable soup, it will come out in little balls.
Lecia, I can never seem to empty at one pass. I usually have to go again after lunch.
Fissuylna, rest assured that almost one year out from my LIS, I am completely normal down there and I poop like I used to before the LIS. Everything works just fine!
Deleted User 5

Re: the size of your poop

Postby Fissulyna » 08 Nov 2007, 13:58

KIMI BOY ; ), ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME JEALOUS TODAY OR WHAT, ha h aha !!!! You are truly my inspiration ! I am looking for the good surgeon - the one who is doing LIS often. I found out that CRS s have their sub specialties, or better said procedures that they do more than other ones. Like, some are good at treating polyps and cancers, others at hems and fissures etc. They all do know how to do all of that, but what they do THE BEST is important. As you said - one that does LIS often and with confidence is the right one !! Still looking :(. My horoscope promised that at 14th I will resolve nagging health problem after consult with a doc. so I hope maybe I will find one in a week !!!!!
Love your shirt today : ) ! Nice color combo - cool .... :afro:
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Re: the size of your poop

Postby Deleted User 5 » 08 Nov 2007, 17:39

Thanks Fissulyna! I love your necklace...did the King of Gondor give you that?
Deleted User 5

Re: the size of your poop

Postby Fissulyna » 09 Nov 2007, 15:45

I just couldn't "pass" opportunity to tease you a little ; )))) ha ha ha. You know that I like to joke - I would never in a million years hold anything against you !!!!
I hope you know that by now - you are GREAT fried and fantastic person !!!!!
Image :((=:
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