the size of your poop

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the size of your poop

Postby buttgirl » 07 Nov 2007, 13:36

Sorry this is a weird thread, but I got to thinking the other day after reading that someone has poops the size of bananas.

My poos have always been smaller. Hot dog sized in girth and somewhat long (2ft). Right now I'm most comfortable with pencil sized, but that rarely happens. I got my fissure when I started having larger bms I think as a result of stress and got my roids recently with larger bms (when I tried to stop the MOM/MO). I have tried to keep the bm under control and manageable in size with MOM and mineral oil.

so my question--and you all are the only people I can ask--is how big are your poos?

also, for those of you who have gotten LIS, have you noticed that you are able to have bigger poos pain free?
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Re: the size of your poop

Postby Bliss » 07 Nov 2007, 13:59

My poos vary depending on how much spasm I'm having at the time - from banana to pencil although no bleeding / tearing for the last 16 days. But poos are weird anyway. As a mother of a 4 & 6 year old I've seen quite a few. 4yr old goes once every 2-3 days produces a banana size about 18inches long, 6 year old goes 3 times a day produces stuck together rabbit droppings. They both eat & drink the same !!
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Re: the size of your poop

Postby juney » 07 Nov 2007, 14:00

if my poo was the size of a banana i would scream!! mine are probably like yours buttgirl, maybe smaller, and definitely not as long (2 ft, really?!) i am also most comfortable when they're smaller, although they're never as small as a pencil.
i feel like my anus just doesn't have the stretching capabilities that it should. even after LIS, things are exactly the same. bigger poos are NOT easier because the size of my anus hasn't changed. it's still too small and tight. too graphic...i know.
my fissure first came in july 2006 when i was pushing wayyy too much (like literally holding the side of the toilet and straining to get it out...stupid me!) and the poos were like solid rocks. i had horrible dietary habits then (though i was still just as thin as i am now), and lots of stress. i had NO IDEA what kind of prolonged problems it would cause me :'(
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Re: the size of your poop

Postby Guest » 07 Nov 2007, 14:06

Juney, that's exactly how I got my fissure.
I have mostly banana-sized BMs, sometimes smaller but never anywhere near pencil-thin. I've been told that bulkier stool is best because it's softer and easier to pass. I've also felt that my anus doesn't stretch the way it should, but I was told to keep my stool bulky so that my anus heals in a good stretched position. It's not very painful for me.

Re: the size of your poop

Postby Guest » 07 Nov 2007, 14:13

The first piece is maybe the width of a plaintain (smaller banana) but maybe 1 foot long. The second piece is maybe the same or a bit smaller.

Since we are on the topic. I am wondering how long does it take to have a BM? And do you know that you are done without a doubt or do you sit there and wait a few minutes to see if anything else comes?

Re: the size of your poop

Postby Guest » 07 Nov 2007, 14:28

I'm usually in and out of there really quickly, unless I have looser stools that need more wiping. But it's usually pretty quick.

Re: the size of your poop

Postby Fissulyna » 07 Nov 2007, 14:39

well, wouldn't think this will be my first "post of the day" , ha ha ha, but it is "cute" in some way that we can REALLY talk here about all the things that bother us or worry us ! : )))) I have to run to my acupuncture app. soon (to try some kung-foo moves on the therapist BTW), so I will try to be short (very hard for me ; )). My poop also depends of the spasms. At the beginning when I had horrible spasms and some swelling too they were sometimes pencil thin, otherwise I would have exploded - sometimes almost did. Now, they are about medium carrot size in width, about inch , I think. Length depends of how big was a meal and how much fiber I took - maybe one foot at most. regarding of how long I sit - as short as possible - whatever comes in first 2 min. I conceder DONE. Before fissure I used to "enjoy" my private time ; ))), reading on the throne, pretending of not hearing anybody screaming Moooooooooom, ahhhhh, good old days ... Now I Just want to be done with "2 minutes of dread " , jump into the tub and sit there like punished , and than dry my butt, and than apply 20 creams and hope that maybe, just maybe, this day will be easier than the day before....
Love you all :_):
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Re: the size of your poop

Postby Bliss » 07 Nov 2007, 14:42

Talking about BMs & how I've become obsessed with inspecting them, I really freaked myself out the other day when I noticed really dark red inside the poo ! Worried myself for ages that it was something sinister until I realised I'd eaten 3 beetroot the day before. Don't eat beetroot it's scary !
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Re: the size of your poop

Postby Guest » 07 Nov 2007, 15:06

I freaked myself out once when I saw a bunch of blood in the toilet and I didn't realize I had just gotten my period. I thought, my poor fissure-I've torn it again!

Re: the size of your poop

Postby Guest » 07 Nov 2007, 16:56

My poos vary in size and it all has to do with the volume of food I eat the day before and what I eat. Like I said before if they get as big or bigger than a banana look out I usually see blood no matter how soft they are.

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