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Re: fistulas

Postby Fissulyna » 24 Dec 2007, 01:43

Lecia babe, how are you doing? Image I keep asking but you never tell me : (((. I hope you are not in much pain and discomfort and that you are ready for the Santa ! As you see I am fighting my "daemons" Image as best as I can . Tylenol is still my only pain medication. I wish I can take at least an Ibuprofen because it has anti inflammatory properties too. I started taking Relafen again but it needs about a week to start working.
I hope that you are ready for Santa and that girls will get all that they wished for
:09: .
Hope to hear from you soon Sis !
Have a WONDERFUL Christmas :christmasone: XOXOOOOOOOOooooooo.....
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Re: fistulas

Postby val » 24 Dec 2007, 04:18

my mum has arthritis, and has had two knee replacement ops. For tears she took ibruprofen, but then read about devil's claw which is a natural anti-inflammatory and takes that instead. She recently tried rosehip in high strength and says its brilliant. I know the two conditions aren't the same, but she was in agony and they seemed to help. Just wondered if it may help you too.Hope you're feeling better today.
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Re: fistulas

Postby Guest » 24 Dec 2007, 10:22

Thanks for the tips Val. I am always looking for anti-inflams too that are natural.

As far as I am is a series of ups and downs. We are leaning towards surgery next month to take out the internal hemorrhoid (s) but it will be a long recuperation. Right now I feel like I have many more months to go through before I can get any relief and have a more normal existence. Basically, I am depressed. But things will get better. I am just so tired of everything being such an effort.

I have thought about increasing my cymbalta dose but the last time I did I got so constipated I was uncomfortable. But I see the neurologist next month and might try again. The things that should make me happy, don't. I go through the motions so my kids can have a normal existence but I almost feel vacant inside at times.

I am so afraid this is never going to end.

Re: fistulas

Postby happyass » 24 Dec 2007, 12:01

big hugs to you lecia......
you have a little energizer bunny running inside and you need some time out for you.
i hope you have a wonderful holiday despite the ups and downs.
i would hope you don't raise your cymbalta. it just makes it that much harder for your brain to undo it when the time will come to get off it. hopefully there will be another suggestion to deal with the unhappiness.....maybe a new diamond ring and mink coat :-) hehehehehehehe........ a new volkswagen passat wagon would do it for me......
or just paying off all my credit card debt! :-)
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Re: fistulas

Postby Guest » 24 Dec 2007, 12:14

Thanks, Gareth. Big Hugs to you too. I hope you will have a Merry Day and that all is bright for you and yours.

I already know what I am getting tomorrow-tupperware!!!!!

I would love one of those VW Toureg but a Passat wagon would be killer cool too.


Big hugs to Mr. Bear. I think a puppy or kitty would help me right now. I would love to be able to hold and cuddle one when I am feeling blue. But alas, my hubby has allergies so it wouldn't be fair to him.

Merry Christmas and God Bless you! :leiamas:

Re: fistulas

Postby val » 24 Dec 2007, 12:54

I know what you mean about just going through the motions for the family's sake, and not feeling happy about anything, and I've only had this problem for 7 or 8 months, you must feel so terrible suffering as long as you have done. Why do terrible things happen to nice people, life is cr*p!
I hope you can manage to have a nice time , maybe Santa can bring you a pain-free day, that would be the bestest present!!
Hve you tried St. John's Wort for depression. It doesn't mix with everything so you would have to check any other medications you use, but I've heard its very good, and at least its natural.
Hopefully if you have the op, it will cure all your problems once and for all. Keep going, there's GOT to be a light at the end of the tunnel somewhere.
One day, all this misery will be a distant memory, and I hope that day is in the very near future for you.
Merry Christmas everyone!
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Re: fistulas

Postby Fissulyna » 24 Dec 2007, 15:33

Val - thank you so much for the tips about natural remedies : ) !!! I forgot about Devils Claw ! There are so many herbs that can help in many ways and complement standard medications. I would like to use fish oil also because it has great anti inflammatory properties too, but it is also blood thinner so I have to wait for my incision to heal first. Turmeric is great too, still a spice - I don't think my "raw" butt would appreciate it ; ).
LECIA, sweetheart XOOXOOO , please don't be so sad : (((((, you were the one who gave us all strength to go forward and have hope - we all look up to you because you are so strong and deal with all your pain with such dignity and grace. Life is not fair, that is for sure. Holidays are always the hardest to go through when we are in pain : (. It looks like the whole world is celebrating and enjoying life except us but that is not true - most of the world is shivering of cold, or dying of hunger, or is without any medical help and without any hope for tomorrow. We will be celebrating one day, maybe not this month, but
the day will come. Maybe next year , maybe the one ofter that.
It is tiering to be this way, some days last as eternity... I hate every day spent in pain - physical or emotional because I don't count "living" that day - one day lost of not so many anyway that we have in our lifetimes. But, we have to endure, and everything has its beginning and its end, so our suffering will end one day too.
Maybe your dreaded surgery is actually the answer for your problem : ))) ! Maybe recovery will be slow but will finally give you much needed relief !
We all here love you so much and we will be with you every step of your way.
Try to concentrate on things that you CAN do and not on one that you can not - that is how I make peace with myself.
I am sending you love and kiss on your sweet forehead. May God bless you for all the help you were offering to all of us and grant you freedom from pain forever soon...
Your :arwen: Image
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Re: fistulas

Postby Guest » 24 Dec 2007, 19:59

Thank you, Fiss. I will be fine. You are right-this time of year it is easier to get down when you see others rejoicing and getting excited for the season and I am getting out only to see doctors. But yes, the world does indeed suffer and I am not unique to that.

I pray for you to have a blessed day celebrating the birth of the Christ child. The one in whose hope I remain.

Thank you so much for your understanding and words. They go very far in comforting me.

You're the best and such a joy to know. I know you bring light into many lives.

Merry Christmas.


Re: fistulas

Postby bherna1 » 25 Dec 2007, 00:35

Hang in there girl. WE are in the same boat. I keep on getting thinner, more pain but we just have to keep plugging away. I cant wait for the folks to come over in the morning to visit and say why are you loosing weight? Its because i cant eat the fatty things i use to and it hurts to BM.
Keep up the faith. I am in the dumps too and its hard to enjoy.
Good holidays
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Re: fistulas

Postby val » 25 Dec 2007, 11:18

Fis, you've made me cry now!
Yes Lecia, we've all benefited from your kind words and strength and understanding of all the pain we're all going through and I'm sure there will come a day when we can all enjoy life again like we used to.
I don't feel as I'm actually"living" life at the moment, especially as everyone around me is eating and drinking and being merry. I just wanna go to sleep!
No-one understands. I just had salmon and veg and roast parsnips, but its a different time of day that I usually eat, so I've ended up in the loo 3 times, and then in the bath3 times, crying with the pain. What a great Christmas this is!
I hope everyones having a good time, or at the least, not in too much pain.
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