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Re: fistulas

Postby Guest » 25 Dec 2007, 12:48

Well, you know it is bad when on Christmas you post on an anal fissure board.

I am so sorry Val about your ordeal today. That just breaks my heart to think of you in such agony. Things have to get better but I know how hard it is to see a light at the end of this. It is easy to feel shut off from the merriment and joy.
I am praying for you, dearheart.

Thanks Bernard for your encouragement. You guys really understand.
I took some medicine this morning ( my worst time post- bm) so the girls could open their presents. Val, do you think you can take ibuprofen and a valuim to get you through the rest of the day? What do you do for Boxing Day?

Does anyone have a white Christmas?

Hugs to you all!

Re: fistulas

Postby Fissulyna » 25 Dec 2007, 17:45

OK - am here too XXOOOOoooo... ; ), as Lecia said - whoever is here today is not actually singing carols ; ) !!! Or , better said is singing "different kind " of carols - like : "The 12 days of pain", or " Deck the Loo" or " I dream of a painless butt" !
Anyway - my swelling is not getting any better and my skin tag started to look weired - has some brownish scar-like notch that is oozing mixture of lymph and blood. I suspect that my wound closed too soon and that all junk and draining is now collecting in that poor tag : (((. I feel like Bernard - want to take a needle and puncture it and get over with it $%%^$%#@!!!!! I will try to MAKE them see me tomorrow in the office - I will let you now how it went.
Till than - hugs and kisses to all !!!!!
PS: No white Christmas in CA ever ; ) , but my Mom called this morning from Europe and said that snow was falling whole night and she felt like being in a snow-ball - that is how beautiful it was (sigh....)..
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Re: fistulas

Postby happyass » 26 Dec 2007, 10:46

no white xmas in DC either! thank goodness.....
may you get in fissy and get that looked at.
happy post-xmas to all....... years....yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......
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Re: fistulas

Postby bherna1 » 26 Dec 2007, 18:40

Are you eating any sugars during the holidays? If so the sugars build up in your stool and form hard that cut like glass when exiting. It took one doctor recently to tell me to really look at the ingrediants in food or drinks. During the holidays i go to town eating everything in site that contains sugar. I have been under the same situation you are all in for about a week. My sweeling went to the maxium i have ever experienced. I broke out this Nitro cream and took it along with Valium and Advil for the past two days. Pain and sweeling went away but my bleeding starting back up. I will take the bleeding over the pain any day. I also used the Aloe clear oitment before and during BM's and it really helped out alot.
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Re: fistulas

Postby val » 27 Dec 2007, 07:59

Thank you Lecia for your kind words, I'm so sorry you're in so much pain when all you must want to do is enjoy Christmas day with your family and do "normal" christmassy stuff and the pain prevents you from enjoying it properly-I know how you feel!
We played momopoly all day on boxing day-it was a VERY long game! and then just watched telly. We were supposed to go to my family, but I couldn't go because of the pain. I had my best friend, my hot water bottle, stuck to me all day! Unfortuneately, valium doesn't mix with my metronidazole, last time I mixed them, I was sick all day. I'm upset about it because the valium really helps. I have taken ibruprofen thogh, even though I shouldn't because of a stomach ulcer.
We didn't have a white Christmas, it was dreary and threw it down with rain all day!
Fis, its so awful that you've got more problems, I thought you were cured and out of the woods. Hopefully, its just a minor setback and you'll get over it really quickly. I hope you can get it sorted soon. Best of luck.
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Re: fistulas

Postby Guest » 27 Dec 2007, 10:17

How are you doing now Val? How long do you have to be on the metro for? It has been raining here a lot too. Pretty drab.

I found this hand held back massager that has a heating element on the tip that is just the right size to heat the bum. It has to be plugged in but it might be an alternative to the hot water bottle. Here is a link with a photo:

Re: fistulas

Postby val » 27 Dec 2007, 11:24

thanks, that looks a good idea, I never thought of using something like that, I've actually got one very similar in the cupboard, so hubby can go hunting for it later!!(there's lots of "junk" as in toys etc. not played with, in the way!)
The pain isn't so bad today, but the pains down my right side are driving me nuts and it will probably be bad again later-I've turned into a pessimist because of this thing!
How are you today? I hope you're feeling better than you were. Was Christmas very bad for you overall, or was you ok some of the time? I hope you managed to enjoy some happy time.
BG said to take the antibiotics up til the operation, so I just ask for a repeat precription and the doctor doesn't even ask to see me. I could ask for anything! Its bad really! I think they should check what they actually prescribe.
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Re: fistulas

Postby Guest » 27 Dec 2007, 11:43

Hey Val,

I have had some ups and downs this week. Christmas was kind of down but I took enough pain meds to go through the motions with the kids. And then they were so busy with their toys that I could relax. It seemed kind of off not celebrating as much with church, family and a big dinner. I pretty much just watched tv!

What do you mean about the pain down your right side? You mean of your bum?

That is amazing they just do refills without seeing you. Though it could come in handy at times. That was so nice of you to offer your extra anoheal to Rose the other day. You are so kind. I am so surprised it is such a hassle to get that there but you can get medicinal marijuana pills I think. Is medicinal mj legal in the UK?

Re: fistulas

Postby val » 27 Dec 2007, 12:09

a few days before I got the AF I was ruhed into hospital with suspected appendicitis, but it wasn't that, they didn't find anything wrong.Now the pains come back again with this fistula, but I 'm not really sure what's causing it, or even if its anything to do with the fistula! Knowing my luck, its probably something else wrong!
I'm glad you managed to get through Christmas and just relax.I sometimes wish I could go to sleep for a month and then it would all heal up on its own!
It wouldn't be a problem with the anoheal, I've got 3 spare unopened tubes in the fridge, although my husband pointed out to me that it could be an unstable product to send in a plane through the post and could blow up the plane! I was horrified-I hadn't thought of that! I could be arrested for mass murder or drug smuggling!!! I'm still not sure if he was joking!
You're lucky that you can get medicinal mj where you are. Our country tried to legalize it, especially for people with MS, but I'm pretty sure it was declined. A lot of people still use it anyway though ! Have you tried it? Would it help do you think?
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Re: fistulas

Postby Guest » 27 Dec 2007, 12:34

Hey Val,

There are only a few states that have legalized medicinal mj use here. I think Oregon and California are two. But it isn't widely prescribed and isn't available where I live (at least legally). I remember reading an article about a trial in the UK for MS patients using Sativa which is a oral form of cannibas. That is too bad it didn't pass. I don't see why is should be any different than acohol or other prescription drugs. I haven't tried it for pain myself, but I have wondered if it would help.

What do you think?

I wonder if you have a low grade infection from the fistula? It seems unlikely since you are on antibiotics. But I have heard that you can get some abdominal pain from the flagyl. It can make you nauseous too. My doctor prescribe Zofran with it because it can be hard to keep down.

I would make sure you get your acidophilis when you are taking antibiotics so to help keep the proper balance in your tracts.

I bet the anoheal would be fine on a plane but probably not nitro. I sent some perfume to the UK once airmail. I didn't think about it at the time but that probably wasn't very smart.

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