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Re: fistulas

Postby Deleted User 5 » 27 Dec 2007, 13:01

Well, I am sending boiled peanuts and BBQ potato chips to Germany this week!
Maybe the plane will be safe!! Image
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Re: fistulas

Postby val » 27 Dec 2007, 15:17

I'll send it on the same plane as your peanuts then and then blame you!!Hehehe!
Can you take acidophillus at the same time as antibiotics, I assumed that because they were bacteria, they would be killed off along with the bad stuff?
You're absolutely right about them causing nausea, I feel terrible!
I think I would like to try the medicinal mj, I personally, like you don't see any difference between that and alcoholetc.-even valium, because thats the same kind of thing and they just hand that to me like sweets.
I think its ok if , like us, you're going to use it responsibly, but I suppose theres no way of checking on people . Its perfectly legal in Holland though,
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Re: fistulas

Postby Fissulyna » 27 Dec 2007, 16:37

I am absolutely positive that medicinal M. would relax those muscles . I also found the article form Slovenia where people were cured fro Fibro by it . It is not "legal" only because nobody can patent it since it is natural product and nobody will make profit. Personally I think that it is criminal not to make it accessible to patients who can't find any other relief. It is less addictive than most "legal" narcotic drugs and without any side effects that other "offer". I read many petitions by MD s here in CA who were literary PLEADING for med. M to be legalized since the recovery of some of he patients who otherwise had no relief was almost miraculous. Although it was legalized in CA it happened only on State level, so distribution centers are regularly harassed - just pitiful. Regarding Holland - all drugs are legal as long as you use them in the "centers". I mean ALL. That way drug related criminal is almost non existent in that country. No trafficking, no junkies on the streets, etc.
BUT, this is for some political forum , ha ha, so ...
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Re: fistulas

Postby Guest » 27 Dec 2007, 16:46

Well, time to move to Amsterdam I guess! I lived in the Netherlands for 3 years as a teen but was pretty straight laced! I would like to try the cannibus pills because I don't want to smoke and cause other health problems. Plus who knows how clean the stuff you smoke is. I don't know how that all works-I tried in college and that was all. I guess I need some stoner friends!!!
Has anyone else out there have any experience first or second hand with using mj medicinally?

Valium is a controlled substance here and is kind of hard to get a prescription for. I know I have had to show a picture id for certain prescriptions. I take Xanax (which is a relative of valium) from time to time. It does help to relax the bum and the amount is so small that I don't mentally notice it. If I take a whole pill I just go to sleep. I was kidding with my husband that if I have the hemorrhoidectomy next month I would like to be put in an induced coma for a month while I heal!

I just hate that my kids are going to remember their growing up with me so indisposed like this. I had to take a bunch of meds to get to their parent program and I still couldn't sit through all of it. And I feel like such a recluse. I hardly talk to any of the other moms there because I just feel like I can establish a frienship and then I get a setback and then can't continue it. Can't meet to eat anything since my diet is still limited. How do you manage with your son? Do you get to see your daughter and granddaughter still?

Yes, it is fine to take both the probiotics and antibiotics at the same time. That way you replenish the good bacteria you need that gets killed off indiscriminately by the antibiotics.

Re: fistulas

Postby Fissulyna » 27 Dec 2007, 18:51

Well ...not a bad idea - Holland - I would be growing tulips like a mad man : ) ! I never tried any kind of drug but you know what, desperate times call for desperate measures ; ) ! If I go "natural"- it is going to be "natural" ; ), pills never have what whole plant has I am sure !!! I completely understand your wish to be in a "comma" until all is well - I enjoyed those 30 min of "being away" during surgery a big time !
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Re: fistulas

Postby Deleted User 5 » 27 Dec 2007, 19:34

Lecia, you can find those kind of friends here:
But seriously, what if pot fixed butt pain?
Image Photobucket
Deleted User 5

Re: fistulas

Postby Fissulyna » 27 Dec 2007, 19:50

Seriously - I think it will relax sphincter because it does relax all muscle spasms !!!! It is successfully used for that purpose with MS patients for example who sometimes develop rigid muscles and spasms due to nerve degeneration in muscles and so forth. I don't see why sphincter would be different ? ; )
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Re: fistulas

Postby Guest » 27 Dec 2007, 19:54

Okay, someone send me some pot then! :D

Re: fistulas

Postby happyass » 27 Dec 2007, 22:55

lecia, you are a super duper mom!
i wonder if there are any herbs out there that can mimick what pot does?
valeria or passionflower? or something else......
a hit of x maybe....hehehehehehe.......
skip the mexican mushrooms and space cookies in amsterdam.........[/i]
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Re: fistulas

Postby val » 28 Dec 2007, 14:32

Yeah, Lecia, you're a wonderful mum. If you wasn't, then you wouldn't be so worried about not being one. If you see what I mean! I took my son out of school in march, as he has a host of problems, aspergers syndrome being one. I feel so terrible now because we were going out to loads of places and doing lots of things with other home-edded kids, and now we don't go anywhere. Having aspergers means he cant see anyone else's point of view, so he hasn't got much sympathy with me!
I do still see my daughter and grandaughter, although, like you, I feel like I cant make any plans to do anything, so I feel isolated too.
So when are we all meeting in Amsterdam??!!
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