Time to heal the fissure !

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Time to heal the fissure !

Postby Fissulyna » 18 Jan 2008, 20:07

Just found the info that even when fully healed fissure needs about 4-6 months to regain 40% of its strength and about 8 months and more for for 80%, so it will need more than a year , usually 2 to be completely FULLY healed - for tissue to be the same strength as before the injury !!!
So, no wonder people have "set-backs" :( :( :( !!!!!
If you are symptom free- be extremely careful for at least a year to not re injure your fragile fissure site :roll: .
I know..I know... not something you all wanted to hear, but couldn't just "turn blind eye " on the article
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Re: Time to heal the fissure !

Postby happyass » 18 Jan 2008, 21:09

hi fissy, i am glad you came into reading that piece of info.
my CRS has always believed and stated that it could possibly take up to 2 years to heal and fully recover.
so I am glad that you found information that is consistent with his advice.
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Re: Time to heal the fissure !

Postby Fissulyna » 19 Jan 2008, 01:52

Hi Gareth : )! Nice to "see" you : )!!! Hope everything is great with you all there in Pugville : )))) !!! I wish I know your CRS ...(sigh)
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Re: Time to heal the fissure !

Postby happyass » 19 Jan 2008, 06:27

all is well in pugville.
and in catville.
and in fishiesville. there was a new baby born around new years but i haven't seen him/her in a couple of days so i am worried. :-)
all is well in bm-ville too! i just got back from seattle and i had really good bms despite not being on any type of diet. i was worried a bit too because i had an unusual amount of drinking alcohol since there were too many receptions with lots of booze. but my bms remained consistently soft and easy to eliminate.
what are you doing today?
i think going to watch 'cloverfield' is something on today's to do list.
but now i must take little bear out for his a.m. walk! and my a.m. walk too...hehehehehehe....
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Re: Time to heal the fissure !

Postby val » 19 Jan 2008, 11:00

Wow that's quite a depressing thought, Fiss, 2 years, but at least we know what we're up against! I know this is perhaps a daft question, but do we have to stay on the diet because its good for healing the fissure, or just to avoid being constipated? I've stuck religiously to the diet, but I'm not quite sure why. And if you dont get constipation, do you still need to be on the diet?
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Re: Time to heal the fissure !

Postby Guest » 19 Jan 2008, 12:07

That makes a lot of sense Fiss, no wonder I feel as if I'm doing great (well not lately!) for ages, and them one episode of constipation and it's back to square one.
If my surgeon discusses the LIS (providing they diagnose a fissure) I'll ask about staying on the Movicol long term for 2 years to make sure I don't get constipated at all in that time :)
Once someone is fully healed, I wonder what the risk of re-tear is, I guess there is always some weakness there :(

Re: Time to heal the fissure !

Postby Fissulyna » 19 Jan 2008, 17:53

I think as long as one is not constipated and has nice BM consistency, he/she is safe ; ).
Helen, I asked my CRS about that and she said once it is fully healed it might give us just a SLIGHTLY more chance than normal person to re injure that place - so we are not "branded" for life ; ))) !!!!
In my case LIS was inevitable anyway - no matter how nice my BM was, when period would "strike" spasms would involve mine bowels too and fissure would reopen : (((. So, I am glad I had LIS and can finally start healing without constant re tiering : ((.
Gareth : )) - great to hear all is super-duper : ))) !!! We are having fun ; ) - aren't we - (cough cough), he he, can't wait to have some Chardonnay myself ; ))) ! Sorry to hear about missing baby
:pacman: , that is probably what happened in the "murky" waters :pale: .
Don't forget to feed your guppies Image regularly "party boy" , c-c-c-c...
I know, I know , you do, just trying to cheer you up - you know I had fishes only once and never again : ( , they are so fragile and with the best of care they decide to leave this world and always so suddenly
Image - one day they swim happily and next morning they are belly up and one has to find stupid explanation for kids and be strong enough not to buy new one because it just is destined to happen AGAIN ! So- let us talk about something more cheerful Image .
Today I will finally be able to go to local nurseries and look for new varieties of roses for this season and start working on my "landscaping dreams" : )))) Than, at night , I will go out with my hubby and have some fun shopping and having that raspberry moose cake that I am craving for some time now Image
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Re: Time to heal the fissure !

Postby happyass » 19 Jan 2008, 18:46

landscaping sounds just nice! that is what i think of when tending to my four aquariums! i love cleaning them, checking on the water, on the fishies, and moving the plants around so that they have a new world to explore and enjoy! it's very relaxing, although yes very time consuming on the day of doing it, but yet, once i am done, i am so glad i have my aquariums.
today, i saw baby 'miracle'...that is her/his name. since baby miracle was born in 2008, that was the newest life form to come into our home. i've seen baby miracle a lot today so it was very comforting. i think the pa and ma mollies are getting ready to mate again or already have so hopefully i will have a little entourage of little mollies!
well, cloverfield was an entertaining movie but kinda anti-climactic and thus gets a C- from me! i can't wait to see 'the ruin' though. that looks really good.
back to answering someone's question about whether to follow this a.f. diet because we don't want to become constipated or because we don't want to deal with a fissure later. i truly believe that one of the purposes of us going through this is perhaps that we need to pay attention to eating better for our over all health and that our body is trying to tell us something.
perhaps, then our goal is not so much that we are 'stuck' eating this way, but that we need to truly take advantage of 'enjoying' eating this way because it does so many other great things for our bodies over all!
things always happen for a reason. and sometimes we need to take steps to correct the imbalance. and i think that if we weren't paying enough attention at the beginning of when we had knocks on the door, then the big bad wolf is gonna blow our house down!
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Re: Time to heal the fissure !

Postby Fissulyna » 19 Jan 2008, 21:21

I agree Gareth ... In my case it is definitely stress that I have to address as well as finding time for myself and stop being such perfectionist. My butt exploded because I couldn't relax my muscles - that is how much my poor muscles clench : (. That is why I have fibro too. I am in constant worry about everything and everybody and always put myself at the bottom of "to care about" list.
I guess my diet was very good before fissure since I had medium soft poop and went 2x a day - you know how Mediterranean diet looks like ; ). Never had any digestive problems of any kind before, that is why my CRS actually wants me back on my regular diet. But , you are right, for somebody who is suffering with constipation diet changes would definitely benefit the whole body in many ways.
Happy to hear that baby M escaped some predatory urges of other fish !!!! And you have 4 aquariums - wow, that must look
great since in that case I am sure you have all necessary gadgets
to keep water in excellent condition and have your fishes enjoy long and happy lives !!!!
Have to run now ; )! LOVE TO ALL
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Re: Time to heal the fissure !

Postby Guest » 20 Jan 2008, 13:31

I remember hearing this last year when I joined the forum. It was kind of depressing but in a way in made me feel better too, that I didn't have to be healed in 6-8 weeks. It took the pressure off a bit.

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