Question regarding wiping the gutter/dimple

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Question regarding wiping the gutter/dimple

Postby Cporosus1 » 05 Oct 2015, 02:20

Hello everyone,

I had an abscess about 1 year ago and a fistulotomy about 9 months ago. It healed after 3 months and there have been no problems since BUT I do have one question and it regards wiping. Ever since the wound healed I have had a small dimple/gutter (looks like a tiny key-hole) at my anus. My CRS has informed me that it is perfectly normal and fully healed, it just often happens that way. The issue I HAVE been having is with wiping the gutter/dimple after a bowel movement. I use wet wipes exclusively now and, if I am home, I will also spray off with a shower head. But even doing both of these things, usually about 10-15 minutes later I will have to go back and wipe again in the groove. No really noticeable bits of fecal matter remain, its just that the sort of light-brownish yellow "stool residue" seems to leak back into the dimple for maybe 30 minutes to an hour after. Its not enough to get on my boxers or even be noticeable to the naked eye, but the small amount will show up as a pale light brownish-yellow dot on my wet wipes. This has led me to wiping some much that the dimple tends to feel raw (no blood or anything, just a tad overwiped), which leads me to use coconut oil on it (which makes it feel better). There is nothing serious, but it is VERY annoying feeling like I have to go back to the bathroom 2 or 3 times afterwards in order to feel 100% clean. Interestingly, the shower head seems to make it worse...perhaps its causing it all to leak out due to the water? Do you think something I'm eating could be causing this?
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Re: Question regarding wiping the gutter/dimple

Postby richibeno » 10 Oct 2015, 08:58

Hi have the same
I use the same procedure as you 'bm'I use warm water and wet wipes the in the bath tub ans shower off
I use sudocream ans some e45 on my bum cheeks
About an hour later IV I feel the need to have a clean up I'll go
Always have some wet wipes with me
I had botox for a fissure witch infected an anal glan which led to abscess then fistula '
I had a fistula which went through my external sphincter and a little in to my internal sphincter
So on the operation'they had to cut it all out which left a channel which some debris gets stuck in and come out a little later as you say nothing touches the underware'just feels a little uncomfortable at times
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Re: Question regarding wiping the gutter/dimple

Postby Cporosus1 » 11 Oct 2015, 20:55

Hi richibeno,

I'm glad you know what caused your abscess/fistula, so you know how not to have another one! I'm still not 100% sure what caused mine, although it could have been a number of things (infected fissure, poor rectal hygiene, lack of fiber/excessive straining, perhaps a combination of all of these things). I don't mind the very small amount of fecal "residue" remaining, my main worry is that having any sort of uncleanliness in the area will lead to another abscess. I know this is unlikely, but I'm a tad obsessive about the areas cleanliness. I'm a very healthy person and I don't want to have this awful 6 month experience ever again! haha
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