Hello all,
I want to share my story and believe it may help others. I've been suffering from anal fissures for a year now. I recently bought myself two products and they're very helpful. I live and work in Germany. The manufacturers are also based out of Germany. They do, I believe, deliver world wide.
1. Tordynex Anal Fissure Stick
Here's the website where you can read up a bit more.
It's a insertable device. Here's how I use it. I smear some coconut oil on the device, insert it into the anus, lie down for 30 minutes, after which I take it out, clean it thoroughly and keep it away. I do this early in the morning and last thing at night.
Relief: Within the first 24hours, you experience tremendous pain relief. It's basically a mechanical way of relieving anal spasm and this brings pain relief and promotes healing.
Since this device was a real game changer for me, I felt I must share my experience.
2. Proctoclean stick
This device was developed by two practicing proctologists here in Germany. They give you a bottle of highly dosed Vit E oil with the stick. Basically,you could use any oil with the stick.
This stick smeared with the oil is inserted into the anus after bm. It removes any residual faecal matter. It doesn't hurt as much as you'd think. After using this stick, the anal canal feels very clean. All the irritation, stinging and itching disappears instantly. It is also useful to break the itch-scratch-inflamation cycle. After just two days, I noticed how the inflammation disappeared. Just the relief from the itch and stinging makes this device totally worth the money.
Here's my routine-
Tordynex stick for 30min early in the morning
After bm,
1. Sitz bath, 2. Proctoclean , 3. Topical cream (I use something called posterisan protect)
In case of anal itching or stinging,
Proctoclean routine
Tordynex stick 30min
1. Sitz bath, 2. Proctoclean , 3. Topical cream
It's been a month of this routine.
Bm is painless, itching drastically reduced (occurs very occasionally)
When sitting for more than an hour at a stretch, I feel the pain of fissures. This pain is, however, nothing compared to what I suffered in the past.
I think I am on the road to recovery.
I also drink upto 3,5l of camomile tea a day and have drastically reduced my coffee consumption. These changes have a!so helped.
Wishing everyone a speedy recovery!